What’s Good? What’s Bad?

FRI., FEB. 7, 1986, 6:42 AM

Our title this morning, o son, comes from the story My servant Dave told you yesterday, and it also relates to what I told you recently about humankind’s taking too small a portion of “the fruit.” It shall be a Teaching of specifics but also one of fundamental Truth… a mighty combination.

Your feeling upon reaching home last evening was that you had not accomplished what you had intended. And you criticized your book-writing friends of being too negative! You did much yesterday in hearing stories of happenings that seem to fit into the category bad. And you told or read some that could be judged both ways. How do I, the Holy Spirit, judge events in the earth, for haven’t I eaten fully of “the fruit,” even after being involved in its creation?

The fundamental Truth is as you told it thrice yesterday – as you move along the path toward spiritual maturity you shall be judging what is good and what is bad, but as the path continues you shall realize that each judgment could also be made the other way. The Truth is, really, that as spiritual growth takes place the happening is good, and if it does not so grow it is bad… and the growth can take place in any situation, no matter how “bad” it may be. I teach you this yet again this morning, but you were teaching it to others and to yourself yesterday. Recognize, please, the important educational principle of reinforcement.

Our mutual friend Dave awaits a surgical procedure that is new and relatively unproven. He wants his body to be its own major healer, but no one involved knows whether it can overcome the deterioration and regenerate, with this technological help. But there should be no doubt that Dave’s spirit and his spiritual influence can grow in mighty ways from this time of pain and disability. At times it shall be hard for him to accept this. Without My direct assistance you could have fallen into self-pity when your back and leg offered so much pain and you contemplated being unable to do many physical feats that you do now. When your spirit realized and affirmed that any result would be good the healing truly began.

If Dave comes to the spiritual, not just the intellectual, realization of this he shall face his challenge with the attitude closest to Mine. This does not mean that as a result of his spiritual attunement his body shall miraculously heal. But it does mean that he is in the best attitude for maximum healing and recovery. If his hand is in Mine in this way there can be no bad result.

Liza’s story is similar, and her future, though not certain yet, is, in the world’s terms, will be some shade of bad. She also must be assured, as you told each other, that this shall be a time of spiritual growth for both of them. It shall involve separation, some social ostracism, and some mild poverty, but, as Jesus, I experienced all of these, so they follow the path I have trod. How closely can they be? As close as they wish. I am aware and am ready to help. Self-pity is the main force that pushes Me away.

Sue must realize, more so than she does, that she has made much spiritual progress, and that her present situation, particularly her academic program, is, finally, an opportunity for more growth. She needs help and reassurance, but there is nothing about her life that is bad, except her unwillingness to see the opportunity.

FRI., FEB. 7, 1986, 6:42 AM

Our title this morning, o son, comes from the story My servant Dave told you yesterday, and it also relates to what I told you recently about humankind’s taking too small a portion of “the fruit.” It shall be a Teaching of specifics but also one of fundamental Truth… a mighty combination.

Your feeling upon reaching home last evening was that you had not accomplished what you had intended. And you criticized your book-writing friends of being too negative! You did much yesterday in hearing stories of happenings that . . .

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