What’s Important?

FRI., JULY 28, 1995, 7:20 AM

You and I both know that you haven’t come for a Teaching during this whole week. Therefore the question: what’s important? I accept that your slowing down in accomplishing most everything is evident to you… and you have wanted to do all that’s necessary to make this class, finishing up today, really worthwhile. No, you haven’t “wasted” much time this week, but I still say, what’s important?

The newsletter was put together, hastily but in time. You were prepared for the morning Bible study. The animals were fed adequately. Yet you didn’t come for a Teaching, and you almost didn’t come this morning. What’s important?

I am not a hard task-master, and I am forgiving, but you know what I expect of you and what I have repeatedly taught you. As you heard Naomi say yesterday everything of importance is spiritual, but I tell you, yet again, that, for you, nothing is more spiritual and nothing is of more importance than this non-time you spend with Me. You still have much to learn in this life journey, and much of what is truly important must come from Me.

You are continually considering the action of stopping the flow (at least slowing) of journals and reading material that still comes to you, and throwing away papers and books that are not now important. As you look ahead to retirement and the giving up of your spacious office you can see that wisdom proclaims… start now, with this vital question, what’s important?

The supper and conversation with Teresa and George, two old super students, was important. There will be other such events in these next two years, and I’ll help you recognize these. Time with Lenore is important, and with the pressures she has been under (not forced upon her, of course) she needs you, and time with you, more than you’ve given.

The next letter, with enclosures, to Andy is not yet written, and I told you that was important. You are somewhat aware of the pressures she’s under, and you can help relieve these… but you also must encourage her to see that coming to Me for Teachings is of great importance… and you can’t very well advise her thusly if you are not following this pattern of importance. I do see your dilemmas but I won’t reduce My expectations of you.

This causes you to consider other letters not written, other tasks left undone. And yet, in the spirit of the course now ending, if your earth life would be over today what should you be doing? What is of importance for your continuing life? And yet I don’t call for rigid organization of your life, either… even to be organized in a better way. At your age and in your life position you should give more time to just being and just enjoying. What you’ll do tomorrow morning will take some time, but see it as a spiritual contribution to future hospice volunteers, as well as a spiritual contribution to Paula, who gives much of herself in her hospice work.

With lessened responsibilities at church you can now just be and enjoy in this way I recommend. And then I’ll say you’ll have to start preparing for this Forum, for it shall commence in but a few weeks. Your classes are certainly familiar ones, but they start up in just 3 weeks and, in contrast to these summer experiences, you’ll have 3 to prepare for, not just one.

FRI., JULY 28, 1995, 7:20 AM

You and I both know that you haven’t come for a Teaching during this whole week. Therefore the question: what’s important? I accept that your slowing down in accomplishing most everything is evident to you… and you have wanted to do all that’s necessary to make this class, finishing up today, really worthwhile. No, you haven’t “wasted” much time this week, but I still say, what’s important?

The newsletter was put together, hastily but in time. You were prepared for the morning Bible study. The animals . . .

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