When I Call…

FRI., SEPT. 16, 1988, 10:29 AM

When I call… I expect you to respond. I am more tolerant of some others, but in your relationship with Me and with your control of time use I expect near perfect obedience. You might well ask why, since I have said repeatedly that yours is not a particularly important role, in earth life terms.

Let me clarify. Yours is not a fundamentally vital earth role, but as I develop a way for a human, no matter how insignificant, to hear Me and from what is heard to do My will rather precisely I do want commitment and obedience. This says, in effect, that if you had never started doing this writing, if you had discontinued it (as you once did), or if you were not very faithful to the opportunity then I would expect and accept less from you. Because you are rather faithful I expect more.

In the next Ruminations I want you to stress that I often am more insistent when you are on a trip away from home. You usually have much to do, and to receive a Teaching with regularity is not often convenient. Yet this is what I require. What would happen if you were not so faithful? No catastrophic punishment, but your spirit would feel the loss, and you would be quite uncomfortable.

This is another instance of competition between mind and spirit. Your mind will often argue that you simply don’t have time, for I, the Spirit, have given you much to do in addition to your own professional and personal desires. Your mind emphasizes that you must have sufficient time to finish, and if the title is slow in coming and if there are times of inattention (as there may be) then a meditation cannot be finished properly. Then I urge the spirit to counter with the illogical argument that time with Me is simply not available for other tasks and mystically is not subtracted from total use time. From experience you know this is essentially true.

I may call you to give you a more complete picture or explanation of something you are experiencing. Or it may be some special instruction or “assignment” somehow connected with the trip or the time elsewhere. It is not that Teachings in your study are less important but there can be more urgency when experiences are as they often are “when you’re away.”

This has been a good trip, and you have been with Me when you weren’t actually traveling… rather often. I have helped you be less naïve about events and in possession of fuller understanding of what you have been doing and of the choices you have made and are still to make. The effect could be even greater if you were reading Scripture regularly, along with the present day interpretation that you receive from Me. I shall continue to urge this combination, though I shall not withhold from you as “punishment” for laxity. That really isn’t My style, despite Scriptural passages to the contrary.

When I call and you listen, hear, and write you have powerfully reinforced the truth that I am super-conizant of all of the earth’s happenings, that I am always potentially active, and that I care about these events and human actions. Even as I am not regularly doing miracles I am anxious to help as I can… and I may do a few miracles, mostly to demonstrate My power, unnecessary as this is (the demonstration, that is).

Remember also that I may call in disparate ways. I may call another to speak forcefully while I call you to silence and meekness. I may call one to believe in an actual physical rapture and another to doubt this strongly. I may call you to competing tasks, with insufficient time and energy for what I suggest… or demand. There are always reasons for such calls, and usually you wouldn’t be capable of understanding. Just have faith.

FRI., SEPT. 16, 1988, 10:29 AM

When I call… I expect you to respond. I am more tolerant of some others, but in your relationship with Me and with your control of time use I expect near perfect obedience. You might well ask why, since I have said repeatedly that yours is not a particularly important role, in earth life terms.

Let me clarify. Yours is not a fundamentally vital earth role, but as I develop a way for a human, no matter how insignificant, to hear Me and from what is heard to do . . .

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