When I Was Gideon’s God!?

WED., JULY. 19, 2000, 8:58 AM

You and your Wednesday morning fellow seekers are about to complete Numbers, with its picturization of Me, as Yahweh God, favoring the Jews, but, now and again, punishing them by way of other humans. The most difficult aspect of this story to understand and appreciate is how I feel about these “other humans”, the various “…ites” folk. You realize that this story is being told by the Jews, so it does favor them, but, ALSO, it is Holy Scripture for you, this day, in a time quite different from that of the actual happenings.

Consider this perspective: let yourself, an individual now with the name and identity of Bob Russell, “be” the Jews, while I, Holy Spirit, will “sit-in” for Yahweh. I want you to be faithful to Me, and I have given you many pages of “Scripture” to help you understand what that means and entails. I am even suggesting (like almost saying) that for the rest of this earth life you should give more attention to Me and My concerns rather than to the economics, politics and social movements affecting your life. At times you can do this, but then your attention moves away from Me and “the big Picture” and to “the world” and its various time and energy consuming “needs”.

I am not pleased with much of this… that I call “waste”… but then you return with this pen (either one) and this special paper, and you hear Me clearly… and are glad to be in such a comfortable, familiar relationship. But then you “wander away” ( 9:20 / 9:22 ) to your version of “other gods”. You return, and I accept you, but will it ever be so?

(You were not prepared for this “pen failure”. I accept this substitute, but by this time you should be much better prepared. But… forgiven!)

In this time in the earth scene with Gideon, Abimelech, and now Samson I was quite willing to allow, even cause, the deaths of many people, even some of “My Own”. This was a way of balancing the population in that time of pre-technology and the sharing of food stuffs. Now you see that some rebalancing is now necessary, and it can’t be through more technological means… because of the waste produced… which must go “somewhere”. And, in such a circumstance you expect that I could act to achieve such a rebalance, by means other than swords and daggers.

Don’t worry! I am quite aware of the earth scene, and while I am not as “direct-acting” as I was in the time of Gideon, I do not want to lose this earth as a pleasant, wonderful realm in which spirits grow and develop so well. This is My concern, not yours.

I have directed you and Lenore to a portion of this land that is unlikely to be disrupted in any major way. You are living rather simply, and of this I approve. Be aware of actions that increase your dependence on “outside forces”.

As God of this “earlier, other time” I heard My people, in both their devotion to and their rejection of Me. Now I hear and see you, one chosen to hear Me directly, and I am alternately pleased and disappointed in how you are, in this last portion of your life… Our life together. (But, truthfully, it’s about like you are “disappointed” that the caffeine you’ve had this morning has diminished the quality of your handwriting.)

So, as you review the history of Me and humans you see that I came as Jesus, the Christ, Who was gentle (most of the time) and finally consented to bodily death by crucifixion, a human sacrifice for the sins of the world, including yours. I was not a roaring lion, but a docile lamb. (Consider your rooster, who had become so belligerent, but who accepted confinement meekly, and is now, “on his own”.)

WED., JULY. 19, 2000, 8:58 AM

You and your Wednesday morning fellow seekers are about to complete Numbers, with its picturization of Me, as Yahweh God, favoring the Jews, but, now and again, punishing them by way of other humans. The most difficult aspect of this story to understand and appreciate is how I feel about these “other humans”, the various “…ites” folk. You realize that this story is being told by the Jews, so it does favor them, but, ALSO, it is Holy Scripture for you, this day, in a time quite different from that of . . .

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