When In Doubt…

THURS., APR. 11, 1996, 5:50 AM

When you’re in doubt about what you should be doing (as you are now) why not just come to Me, in this ritual way? At this point in your life there’s no better way you can “spend” an hour (or any length of time) than with Me. You come to Me. I come to you. It’s a mutual meeting… of friends. Spiritually you have no doubts about this truth. But you’re also a solid member of this culture, and it urges you to doubt that this relationship is real. Even your “church culture” encourages you to doubt. Ah, Me…

When you’re in doubt about the worth of social programs, like Medicare go back and read Teachings I have given you over these nearly 17 years. And then I’ll reiterate that I approve of pain control (even though pain is an important part of the balance that is health) and of many of the procedures modern medicine has developed to sustain and prolong life. Then I’ll add that I am not democratic in feeling that everyone should have everything possible in the medical “arsenal” (for it does have an adversarial perspective).

This has very little to do with My love for each of you. My love is boundless, with plenty available for all. But, you see, I don’t see much benefit in “hanging around” the earth scene in a dysfunctional body and/or with a poorly functioning mind. That’s when it’s time to move on to the spirit world. I am there in all aspects of that (and you’ll reunderstand all of this when you return), and I can be as close to you, to any of you, as you want Me to be. So, while I see some value in Medicare and other forms of medical insurance, I also see much of its resources wasted on care and procedures that keep older people alive beyond a time when it would be better to change realms. Now, you’ll have to interpret this for your own life. And when in doubt, ask.

You notice that your “off ramp” from your teaching career (a good, long one) is “steepening”. Preparations take longer, and you have some doubts about classes for next year. You know, on the one hand, that it’s time for your career to end, but, somewhat like the medical attitude, you want to continue to do all that you have been doing. Why not consider giving next year’s students the experience of a class with an “old one”… a “viejo”. Tell your stories. Listen to theirs. Be even less concerned about facts and more concerned about feelings and spirit. Have them write what you like to read. Have fun. And don’t worry about consequences.

This is not something I would have recommended when you first started your career… or when you first came here… or even this year. But with a final year ahead of you, give your students this unique experience. Some won’t appreciate it, but be assured that many will. And… what have you got to lose?

How should you be, in retirement? When in doubt… Remember that film you used several times, many years back that portrayed different “styles” of retirement behavior. Focus on the man whose style was “do whatever you want to do”. Even though you have had a career with much freedom you still feel compelled to do many things that others want. You are concerned right now with how to communicate to this class what you forgot to tell them yesterday. Move away from those “have to” and “oughta” feelings.

THURS., APR. 11, 1996, 5:50 AM

When you’re in doubt about what you should be doing (as you are now) why not just come to Me, in this ritual way? At this point in your life there’s no better way you can “spend” an hour (or any length of time) than with Me. You come to Me. I come to you. It’s a mutual meeting… of friends. Spiritually you have no doubts about this truth. But you’re also a solid member of this culture, and it urges you to doubt that this relationship . . .

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