When It Is Gone

TUES., MAR. 1, 1988, 6:39 AM

There are two categories of substances here in the earth (for purposes of this Teaching). One is substances that can be regenerated or recycled, and the other is substances that are in the earth in finite amounts and, for each, when it is gone, there is no more. I shall speak to you of these latter, and I’m sure part of this will be included in your next Ruminations.

I have told you that the balance of humans with other forms of life and with the resources of this earth that I have created is becoming undesirable. More simply put, this means too many people. So the population shall not grow to the predictions now being made, and eventually will diminish from the numbers of the present. Why? Because when these finite materials diminish it will not be possible to sustain the activities that make this larger population possible. It is hard to imagine, but when no more employment will be generated, and food production becomes limited by a return to a less entropic life there will be a return to pure spirit for many who have not had long earth lives.

An announcement of a book came yesterday, a book focusing on the demise of oil as a major fuel for the earth’s high level business. Order that now, for it shall bolster what I tell you (My mystical Teachings are of greater value, but you know that you are limited in the circumstances in which you can quote this with authority. This book shall be useful as a supplement that can be cited.)

You already are teaching about net energy, and the foolishness of expending more energy in retrieving potential energy than is finally available. Continue this, for it soon shall seem more real and reasonable than it does now. It shall be increasingly clear that much present human activity in your culture is more wasteful than useful. The changes that result shall be quite interesting.

Why do I see this as good? Why am I not exerting some magical powers to maintain this high life style that is your culture? Because I would like to see a return of reverence for this earth and more appreciation for the marvelous creation, with its myriad interactions among life forms and the substances necessary and helpful for continuing life. There is too much of the feeling that the earth is for human life only and is to be exploited for those of the present. There is too much loss of the perception that earth life is a precious gift that is unique among life experiences. When you have lived in the earth you are unique among spirits, with special insights that others simply don’t have. As Jesus I am a unique manifestation of God for I came in a semi-natural way and lived life as an historical human. That gave Me, as God, perceptions I could not have generated from “on high.” As Almighty God I am and always have been omniscient, knowing all. I tell you it is quite appropriate to declare that I learned from My earth experience. Yes, I have digressed.

When oil is gone life shall be different. Perhaps the research and development of coal shall have breakthroughs that shall buffer this loss. Or perhaps it shall be clear that oil and gas have been blessings allowing the increase in people and the agglomeration in large cities. If only the message could be heard that when it is gone… so let’s prepare for that by voluntarily decreasing use and designing for efficiency. It is a positive prophesy. With planning and minimal sacrifices the earth could be ready for the demise of oil, even for water. That would be more pleasing to Me than simply barreling, unaware, toward chaos.

TUES., MAR. 1, 1988, 6:39 AM

There are two categories of substances here in the earth (for purposes of this Teaching). One is substances that can be regenerated or recycled, and the other is substances that are in the earth in finite amounts and, for each, when it is gone, there is no more. I shall speak to you of these latter, and I’m sure part of this will be included in your next Ruminations.

I have told you that the balance of humans with other forms of life and with the resources of this earth . . .

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