When Life Goes On…

TUES., JAN. 12, 1993, 7:23 AM

For some babies, earth life is a struggle from birth itself. Some die in infancy; others survive into childhood but then pass on. Youth can be a time of accidents. Peter was a son of yours who died before reaching adulthood. There are weaknesses in some bodies so that life is not long, even as an adult. There are wars, catastrophes, dangers of various kinds…

Yet in every culture some live on to become true seniors… old folks. You read that those past 80 are now the fastest growing “segment” of the population. One reason you yourself cannot feel old is that your own parents, who nurtured you as a child and youth, are still alive and well, with your Mother into her 10th decade. I have offered you Teachings before on this elderly status. This is yet another one.

When life goes on beyond the need to work and produce it becomes an opportunity for growth… and for loss. When one can feel proud of work accomplished for many years, at a paying job, in volunteer work, or in the home then retirement can seem like a deserved rest. Remembrances of work life can have some dark shades but usually these fade and what is remembered most is loyalty, integrity, times of challenge, and “having done a good job.” Those who have such memories usually are enjoying their senior years.

Then there are those who have not had a happy and productive work life. A few of these have the spiritual and mental capacities to just “write off” that work life and be glad they’re now free of it. Others, however, feel this loss in their lives, and the sense that they haven’t been able to contribute as they could can be troubling in retirement years.

Then there’s physical and mental health. Each individual has a unique genetic structure, and each has had, finally, a unique lifestyle. Thus, there are a few who live on into their senior years with few pains, few disabilities… good health. Your Dad is an example of such, outliving his older brothers and most of his adult male friends. He continues in good health, physically and mentally, and is now growing in the way a person of his age should – spiritually. Your Mother is an example of good physical staying power who had one mental problem that required severe treatment and continued medication. She was fortunate to live in a time and place where such was and is available, and thus she continues to function well.

Spiritually, the older population is, from My perspective, quite a “mixed bag.” Some, of course, have had a lifetime of allegiance to Me, as part of a church congregation. Some of these have grown spiritually in this continuing life, while others have just been church members, even active ones… but with no real growth in relationship with Me. Some of these “church folk” come closer to Me as they age, but then I have to admit that some, at this important time in their spiritual lives, fall away.

Then there are those who have not been interested in spiritual matters during their long lives, and continue to deny or ignore Me in their older years. A few truly come to Me, repentant, during some serious crisis, while other pray desperately and ineptly, but then fall away again when the crisis passes. A few become angry with Me because of how a crisis comes out.

TUES., JAN. 12, 1993, 7:23 AM

For some babies, earth life is a struggle from birth itself. Some die in infancy; others survive into childhood but then pass on. Youth can be a time of accidents. Peter was a son of yours who died before reaching adulthood. There are weaknesses in some bodies so that life is not long, even as an adult. There are wars, catastrophes, dangers of various kinds…

Yet in every culture some live on to become true seniors… old folks. You read that those past 80 are now the fastest growing “segment” of . . .

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