When Life Runs Fast

SAT., SEPT. 24, 1988, 10:56 AM

When life runs fast… appreciate the activity, but still… reflect upon the essence of life and upon relationship with Me. You are yet an age when running fast is “good exercise” and clear evidence that you are not retiring nor withdrawing from the unique action of this earth experience. I approve of this approach and I shall continue to urge you to do more, probably, than you are able.

Remember that healthy life has a rhythm to it, and I have taught you, and well, the concept and the practice of balancing. I also have verified your notion that if you are doing something important (even if it is not productive) you need not worry about what you are not doing. Should you clear your desk or mow the lawn? Should you type Teachings or prepare, more systematically, for your presentation? Do you have time, as you run fast, for this Teaching? The one thing you shouldn’t do is wander in frustration, trying to decide what is more important to do. Select and then do, with vigor and dedication.

All lives are not to be lived at the same pace. Your culture has the concept of the Type A personality, the one who is always pushing and driving for success, overcoming obstacles, and achieving beyond expectations. This is a kind of cultural hero, the one with energy, drive, and a desire to use time ever wisely. Many aspire to this sort of behavior and motivation, but cannot keep up the pace. Many of these feel frustration and a sense of failure, for the “good” that they see cannot be attained. There is value in this fast-moving style, but it is not for everyone.

Other cultures put less value on drive and accomplishment; a few actually show disdain for these desires to change things… to “get ahead.” Individuals within any culture vary, but there is a general standard and expectation. Know that from a spiritual perspective this drive makes little difference. The Apostle Paul was a man with drive and verve. I used this, and the Christian Church has developed, as I wanted. Yet Bartholomew, who did nothing of historical consequence, grew in spirit, just as Paul did. Paul did grow, but only after I turned him around, rather dramatically. Others with an urge to accomplishment, as he had, grow but little in earth life in that dimension of most worth – the spiritual.

Age is the other factor. You see your Father, who is still proud of his life accomplishments and the drive he had for success, now having no desires for accomplishment, other than staying healthfully alive. Gone are desires to accomplish, to decide, to administrate, to wield power. He had these, but now he lives slowly, with few demands.

You are not yet there, but you have motivations to slow down, which I still counter. I tell you to stay active professionally, to do research, to publish, to consult, and to give much attention to your teaching. And then I give you these Teachings, continuously, and request that you use these in various ways. I also want you to keep this special place, the Farm, beautiful and productive, and I want you to relate evermore to your wife and families… the one of marriage and the one of colleagues and former students. Whew! This is not slow-down time!

Remember, however, the rhythm. Do much, but without much frustration. Dedicate what you do to Me, and then do as much as you can. Know that as you offer your labors to Me, even this bill paying, you are moving into the best rhythm possible. You cannot be aware of all which brings forth spiritual growth, but you can be increasingly so… and appreciative.

SAT., SEPT. 24, 1988, 10:56 AM

When life runs fast… appreciate the activity, but still… reflect upon the essence of life and upon relationship with Me. You are yet an age when running fast is “good exercise” and clear evidence that you are not retiring nor withdrawing from the unique action of this earth experience. I approve of this approach and I shall continue to urge you to do more, probably, than you are able.

Remember that healthy life has a rhythm to it, and I have taught you, and well, the concept and the practice of . . .

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