When One Fears Another…

FRI., JAN. 25, 1991, 6:50 AM

One of the rather “strange” aspects of human life here in the earth is the fear of another. I say “strange” because this does not happen in most other realms of being. Oh, a soul can create a hellish condition for himself, but this is usually because of past experiences here in the earth.

Fear is a strong emotion, and, typically, it grows out of concern that another will hurt you or cause some kind of damage that will be harmful. Fear is greater when the opponent is bigger, stronger, or more devious… or fear develops when there is uncertainty or lack of confidence in self to be able to continue unscathed.

Fear of death is one of the great fears in your culture. Even people who say they are Christians and who are active in churches exhibit a fear of dying and of death itself. This is particularly “strange,” and many of those souls who wasted much human emotion in this fear are rather amazed at themselves when they do pass on over, finding that it was a very misplaced and unnecessary fear. You noted that several of the small boys who responded to the possibility of their going to war expressed fear of death. So, yes, it can start quite young.

Your nation, in its war with Iraq, shows much bravado but also some amount of fear. There is both a belittling of Arab capacities and expression of their resourcefulness and their willingness to die for their cause. Thus, there is fear of an enemy who seems more willing to die than you are, for one who has less fear of you… is to be feared. There also is fear of what you call terrorist tactics, which is violence unprovoked and unexpected, designed to kill but, more importantly, to raise the level of fear in a foe. Your nation wants its enemy to “play by the rules,” fighting only the kind of war you fight best. Otherwise, fear of the other rises, and this is applied toward anyone not known, for anyone could be a terrorist.

Fear can overcome love and trust. Fear can negate other positive things known about another. There is too much abuse of children in your “exemplary” culture, and this causes children to fear, because of actual abuses or in attempts at prevention. When children are warned against strangers this invites the specter of fear. There is abuse of women, and so some come to fear certain men… even all men. It is almost impossible to develop love and trust when fear is felt.

And yet… love and trust are from Me and hence are finally more powerful than the emotion of fear. When your hand is fully in Mine you can have no fear, for… what can happen to you? I am the fullness of love, and love begets trust. What is there to fear? If you are surrounded and energized by My love you have nothing to fear. Thus, when you, or any Christian, feels true fear it means that you are disengaging your hand from Mine. It means you are forgetting My promises and leaving the warmth and shelter of My everlasting arms.

You don’t feel fear often, but occasionally I am surprised at the build-up of fear of some person or some force. But then many before you have felt and expressed fears. I truly shouldn’t express surprise, now should I?! Still, knowing the power of love and trust I don’t like to sense the rise in fear in those who claim allegiance to Me.

When one fears another it is difficult to establish and maintain a normal relationship. When you fear developments within your own body this fear produces secretions that hinder health and may even bring on what you fear. When you fear the consequences of economic collapse you become less able to think clearly and make decisions that shall be of benefit.

FRI., JAN. 25, 1991, 6:50 AM

One of the rather “strange” aspects of human life here in the earth is the fear of another. I say “strange” because this does not happen in most other realms of being. Oh, a soul can create a hellish condition for himself, but this is usually because of past experiences here in the earth.

Fear is a strong emotion, and, typically, it grows out of concern that another will hurt you or cause some kind of damage that will be harmful. Fear is greater when the opponent is bigger, stronger, or . . .

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