When Spirit Is Necessary…

THURS., APR. 6, 1995, 6:46 AM

Naturally, I, the Holy Spirit, would assert that spirit is necessary every minute of every day. However, when the body is functioning well, and your mind is at ease or when you are in a compatible social group it doesn’t seem as though spirit has any special part to play. It’s just part of a well-functioning whole.

Where it is necessary, however, is in a time like this, when you are reacting to… something… in a highly allergic fashion. A physical discomfort such as this… and on the day of your wedding anniversary… can dampen your spirit, if it is not strong and prepared enough to resist and counter. You are doing rather well with your partly functional foot. That, as more than a bothersome disability, seems to be conquered. But then the device broke… and you have dealt with that in quite an adaptable fashion. Spirit is necessary when normality is askew, or shattered. Spirit carries you through.

Remember the assertion that spirit is that which unifies the whole of you. These various dimensions, each of which is important to health… to full functioning and real adaptability… can compete with one another, as well as being insufficient in a situation. Spirit is the best coordinator and unifier, the part of you that can achieve the best balance in each of life’s changeable moments. And spirit grows and develops as it coordinates, particularly if you are conscious of your spirit’s role.

When your head began to generate fluid excessively this morning you did take this as a cue to come here for this Teaching. Did I cause this to happen, or did I just use this malfunction to get your attention? With your attention I can help make you aware that spirit is what is necessary for getting through this “episode” in as quick a fashion as possible. Being here with Me is the best antidote there is for any sort of trouble. You know this, but you still don’t remember it quickly enough.

Even as you have avoided or put aside some of the pressures that have been bothersome in your life in younger years you still can suddenly or gradually be faced with pressures to accomplish, pressures of competing responsibilities. (You look at some of these on your desk right now.) Spirit is necessary, either to accomplish, to postpone, or to not do what seems necessary. Oh, you can do this with your mind and your will power, but spirit is what motivates best and achieves the best balance, for the moment and for the future.

When spirit says, “Make a list”, you are more likely to balance your tasks in the best way, the most joyous way. And, for better or worse, it is time to make a list and to set forth, with a happy heart, to fulfill your opportunities. (Come back later).

( 7:40 AM / 11:04 AM )

THURS., APR. 6, 1995, 6:46 AM

Naturally, I, the Holy Spirit, would assert that spirit is necessary every minute of every day. However, when the body is functioning well, and your mind is at ease or when you are in a compatible social group it doesn’t seem as though spirit has any special part to play. It’s just part of a well-functioning whole.

Where it is necessary, however, is in a time like this, when you are reacting to… something… in a highly allergic fashion. A physical discomfort such as this… and on the . . .

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