When Spirit Speaks…

WED., AUG. 31, 1988, 1:19 PM

The place is a strange room in this convention center, and the time is unusual for this meditation. You have rather absolute faith and trust that I, the Holy Spirit, will speak in these circumstances. Otherwise, the proper liturgical practice is being followed. So, when the Spirit speaks, you hear and write.

I have told you numerous times not to be concerned about the extent to which I am leading you in any situation. This, for you, is an utterly unimportant distinction. You can rightly assume that I am involved, but you have no reliable way of knowing the extent and direction of My influence. Just always give Me some credit and some thanks, but also acknowledge ways in which you are exhibiting what I have been teaching you. This may be a new and dynamic way of behaving at conventions. You are considering it to be such, but be sure you balance this type of participation so that only a few people see you as obnoxious and inappropriate.

Your fundamental message about positive health is still a radical one, and so you can expect that some will reject it… and you, also. You needn’t try to avoid this entirely. In some ways and in some instances you are speaking for Me, and My messages have never been universally popular. When the Spirit speaks… some, surely, will turn away. Be willing to share My experiences.

I want you to be aware and appreciate that your spirit spoke in this morning’s active session. Your interactions with persons was right from the spirit, and isn’t it satisfying?! Be ready to follow this spirit even further in suggesting that a relationship with Me can play a large part in all aspects of health, even the physical. Focus not on those times when you feel too timid to manifest your spirit’s leading, but on those in which temerity wins out, and you do go beyond the intellectual and the social.

When Spirit and spirit speak together you are being encouraged to transcend “normal” ways of acting and reacting. In one sense it is an “out-of-person” experience, for you are going beyond what you have learned in orthodox ways, beyond what your mind and emotions suggest (and beyond what they curtail), and beyond even what you expect of yourself. It can be scary. You may want to pull back. You will, at some times. At other time you shall just enjoy the experience of following the spiritual leading. And the oftener you do it the more it can be enjoyed.

When Spirit speaks others will hear also. You will be increasingly able to discern when others with whom you are interacting are speaking and acting under My direction. Be increasingly bold in inquiring about such apparent manifestations. Oh, you will make some mistakes, but these will be more than balanced by new relationships which blossom from such willingness to inquire about spirit and Spirit.

Another important perspective, however: when Spirit speaks no one may respond. Hear again that I know My creation exceedingly well, and I am not devastated when there is no response to My invitations. I tell you again that I am generally pleased with this earth and its peoples. I am still “in-charge,” I have no “time limit” on and for earth developments, and I fully accept that My leadings are not always followed. Since spiritual growth comes in so many ways, I am much more pleased with the growth I observe (and in which I participate) than in those times of rejection.

WED., AUG. 31, 1988, 1:19 PM

The place is a strange room in this convention center, and the time is unusual for this meditation. You have rather absolute faith and trust that I, the Holy Spirit, will speak in these circumstances. Otherwise, the proper liturgical practice is being followed. So, when the Spirit speaks, you hear and write.

I have told you numerous times not to be concerned about the extent to which I am leading you in any situation. This, for you, is an utterly unimportant distinction. You can rightly assume that I am involved . . .

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