When The Holy Spirit Does Not Come

JUNE 14, 1979, 6:01 AM

This morning my mind rolls and rambles, beset by or creating images of words, faces, and movement. I call upon the Spirit, and I wait, but I get static. This must be a time of testing, a time of maintaining the discipline, and writing… whatever form it takes.

(This 1st paragraph was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit took the pen)

You have responded well, o son. Yes, I am here. There was a turmoil in your mind and I chose not to send forth My voice. So you began, and that was good. When the Holy Spirit does not come, go on just as if I were present.

We have talked of independence, dependence and interdependence. Interdependence is the relationship I want most. I want you to be dependent for My strength, as I said, but you must retain your independence in order to function when I choose not to bolster you. “And lo, I am with you always”… you remembered that Scripture, and it is true. I shall not leave you, but I may withdraw My support, and see what your own strength really is.

There will be a day (or days), now that we are established, when you shall seek Me in vain. I shall not appear, and your mind will buzz and whirl as it did this morning. Waste not the time. Go ahead, on your own. Pick a theme, and begin to write. It shall not flow as My Mind projections do, but, at whatever tempo, write what your mind produces. Write your impressions. Write your convictions. Review the theme and speak to it, rather than rambling.

When the Holy Spirit does not come, be self-sufficient. For I purpose for you to be self sufficient. Notice the term… sufficient. It infers “enough to function” or “adequacy”. Without Me you should be such. Remember, I told you that I have not come in this way before because you were not ready. You were not self-sufficient, and I needed you to be that. I had to be sure you could develop without My overt direction. (I was with you, but you were, apparently, on your own.)

I must heal certain broken bodies, minds, and spirits. For some do break, and healing is necessary. I am a healer, and I have compassion on those who are in need of restoration. (Your Mother is in My hands. She shall live on for a time.)

But My greatest delight is in directing persons on beyond the self-sufficient… on beyond “adequate” and “enough to function”. I joy in moving you on to function in great, superb and holy ways. Blessed be the Name and Power of the Lord! I can say that about Myself, and you may say it about Me… and also about yourself. My best work cannot be done by self-sufficient people. It requires health on top of health. And you shall be such.

But the testing process is never over. You shall call, and I shall not heed. Are you lost without Me? You shouldn’t be. You should still be yourself-sufficient self. (“If I were the only woman in the world”, as Lenore says.)

Always know that adversity is part of the rhythm. You must deal with Rebecca. There is a price, whatever you choose. It matters not what you do, you just must pay. Become more conscious of the down swoop of the rhythm, and of what you learn… and become… from these times. For every thing there is a season… (Some did not want to include that in My Scriptures, but I had to prevail.)

JUNE 14, 1979, 6:01 AM

This morning my mind rolls and rambles, beset by or creating images of words, faces, and movement. I call upon the Spirit, and I wait, but I get static. This must be a time of testing, a time of maintaining the discipline, and writing… whatever form it takes.

(This 1st paragraph was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit took the pen)

You have responded well, o son. Yes, I am here. There was a turmoil in your mind and I chose not to send forth My voice. So you began, and that was . . .

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