When You Call

SUN., JAN. 27, 1985, 6:18 AM

You are not one to call on Me constantly for help in your earthly life. Even though you have the invitation and, therefore, the right, you realize that I usually let the earth and its inhabitants function “naturally”, without the effects of My intervention. You know that I can intrude and affect as I wish, but I do this sparingly. There is a reasonable predictability to earth life, but My intervention is always a possibility.

This week past you called on Me to help with some very natural phenomena. Your blood pressure was elevated, and your hemoglobin did not appear to be sufficient, and your offer of blood was about to be refused. I heard your prayer for help, even as you employed some learned ways of restoring tranquility. I knew that your motives were mainly self-centered, and so I considered letting this be a lesson in humility. But since you had one of these on your last donation I decided to assist you as needed. That blood shall be part of the life enhancing means for a servant of Mine, and, thus, it was worthwhile.

I recognize that if you could know to whom each unit of blood went that your motives could more easily be away from self and toward these who need. Now I realize that you do not think of yourself in the actual needling process or in relation to the danger of giving too often, but your focus on the number of donations you have made is definitely a self-centered one. Follow the inclination I urge upon you and move yourself toward giving for the beneficiary rather than for yourself. It’s a small issue, but one to which you should give attention.

So, despite what I have said about intervening infrequently I still urge you to call on Me when you are in need. I approve of your philosophy of living and dying – live as if you will live forever and at the same time, live each day as if it is your last. Apply this principle to calling on Me. Fully expect Me to intervene and to do just what you wish, and, at the same time, accept that I allow results that shall be instructive and useful in spiritual growth. But know that I do hear, and am involved, even if I am not active. Know also that often your own resources are sufficient, and My help is really not necessary. (Perhaps this was the case at the blood bank; you can never be sure, and I do not recommend your testing this.)

It also is quite appropriate for you to thank Me for assistance, whether or not I actually gave such. If you call I am involved, so it is well to be thankful for that. Being thankful is a prime sign of developing spiritual maturity. I can accept your thanks with ultimate maturity, appreciating them even as they are undeserved. Since there are many blessings that you do not recognize, appreciate, or for which you offer thanks, know that your thanksgiving is never truly excessive.

Since you also give in many ways, from blood to spiritual guidance, you must be more aware of accepting thanks in a selfless manner. Recognize that your capacities to help ultimately come from Me… that you are giving from that which has been given to you. Hence, be gracious in accepting thanks for what you have done, and let it stimulate you to a more thankful attitude. Just as receiving is necessary for giving to be successful, so the accepting of thanks fulfills the offering of thanks.

SUN., JAN. 27, 1985, 6:18 AM

You are not one to call on Me constantly for help in your earthly life. Even though you have the invitation and, therefore, the right, you realize that I usually let the earth and its inhabitants function “naturally”, without the effects of My intervention. You know that I can intrude and affect as I wish, but I do this sparingly. There is a reasonable predictability to earth life, but My intervention is always a possibility.

This week past you called on Me to help with some very natural phenomena. Your blood . . .

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