When You’re Called…

WED., JULY 9, 1997, 8:33 AM

John’s objection to and critique of My servant Paul has some merit. He had no earthly source of authority for what he did and said. He could claim, truthfully, that he was called to this mission, but why should anyone believe him? As you suggested he had “spurts of humility”, but if he were too humble his special call could not be completed… and it was important to Me that churches be established.

You can hear (now can’t you!?) some similarity with your own life now and with the call that has come to you… and that you have accepted. There is no good reason for your being called to receive these Teachings from Me, Holy Spirit. Oh, you’re a reasonably good man, but such a call should come to someone better, someone more worthy… shouldn’t it? Now I haven’t yet insisted that you “publicize” this “mission”… beyond Our Ruminations (now late for this Spring…sob!) and some testimonies to “safe” classes and individuals. If I should, would you be “available”? You’re not sure, for you’re not as flamboyant and aggressive as Paul turned out to be.

Thus far I have told you to be faithful to this fundamental call to hear and to write, leaving the consequences to Me. That is a fundamental way of living in enlightenment, so when you can do this you’re experiencing some of what enlightenment means… and is. You’re not “attached” to these Teachings, but you can appreciate them and feel good that you have been able to receive these and have them as a relatively permanent record of what I have shared with you. Knowing you’re not “theoretically worthy” is a proper feeling. You’re not yet emboldened to make this call or gift known to more of those with whom you interact. If I make such a call I’ll be sure you’ll be ready.

Know that I had to call Paul in the way that I did because the disciples, good men that they were, full of experience directly with Me, as Jesus, were not up to the task of starting churches among the gentiles. As the Triune God I knew this. It was not lack of knowledge or incompetence on My part. In fact I’ll admit it was somewhat of an example of My spirit of fun: Saul was an avid and capable persecutor of early “Christians”. I called him first to want to be an apostle of Mine, and then to channel that verve and drive into evangelism for Me and this new movement, one for both Jews and gentiles. It was fun to see that happen, and I quite accepted his authoritative proclamations. And, of course, I saw to it that several of these letters of his became Holy Scripture.

So, John is right, and so are you: Paul was far from the perfect servant, but I liked most of what he did and said. Much of Christian theology has been influenced… even shaped… by Paul’s letters. You have responded to a good deal of this, and I have given you “other stories” to know and to tell. (Yes, it should have been “and”, as I explained to you last week.)

One central truth I have repeatedly offered you is that I love diversity. There are incredibly many forms of life. Humans are one form, among many, and humans are diverse… in size, body build, skin color, hair and eye color and shape, for example. You humans are also diverse spiritually, and one important aspect of this, which is not orthodox Christian doctrine, is diversity in spiritual development based in growth of your soul over a number of “lifetimes”. Some souls are new or relatively new, balanced by some who are close to enlightenment and the end of the soul’s life journey. Some grow and develop here in the earth, and karma is an important concept in understanding such development. Some souls do better in other realms, some associated in some ways with earth life, and others not.

WED., JULY 9, 1997, 8:33 AM

John’s objection to and critique of My servant Paul has some merit. He had no earthly source of authority for what he did and said. He could claim, truthfully, that he was called to this mission, but why should anyone believe him? As you suggested he had “spurts of humility”, but if he were too humble his special call could not be completed… and it was important to Me that churches be established.

You can hear (now can’t you!?) some similarity with your own life now and with the . . .

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