Where Am I?

TUES., DEC. 20, 1983, 6:47 AM

Your position is not a comfortable one on this cold morning, but it appears that you must have one discomfort or another if you are to keep your commitment to Me. Actually, I shall teach you about this aspect of Me and My relations with earth folk that is most perplexing to some… in the midst of discomfort, pain, tragedy, where am I? I am here with you at this time, o son, to tell My side.

This is a time of discomfort from cold air, which is minor for you, but very troublesome to some. Deaths and injuries occur, but usually because of carelessness. Shouldn’t I do something to make life easier and more pleasant for all of you in the earth? You know the answer, but I shall reteach it, yet again. I, the Lord, have the capacity to change conditions in any way that I wish. I, the Lord, am perfectly aware of all conditions in the earth – from above, below, “ground level”, and from inside each of you (a rather unimaginable holistic concept).

Therefore, whatever happens does so because I desire it and cause same… or because I allow it. Could I have prevented or diverted this mass of cold air that now covers this portion of this country. Of course, but then some other humans would have been affected. Are you selfish enough to wish discomfort on others in order to retain your own comfort? Or, you could ask, why isn’t the earth just warmer and more pleasant? You know enough about this earth to know that if the climate were universally warm much food that now grows would not and there would be an unpleasant redistribution of water that would bring cries of “Oh Lord, where are you? Help us”.

I am where I am, and I have My influence, but what I want to foster is spiritual growth, and that often happens… best… in the midst of adversity. Whatever is not “just perfect” in your life (and in the life of each, particularly those who consciously relate to Me) is a means for growing in spirit… which is toward Me. Now all growth does not have to be spectacular or in great spurts. You also can grow in the experience of gentle, warm, good times, even in uneventful, boring times. But the whole growth pattern would not be complete without adversities.

Also, consider, in the midst of discomfort, all the other things that COULD have happened, but didn’t. Did I help keep the electricity on… the pipes from bursting… the car starting and functioning… was I involved in all that “went right” and helped you to function?

If a person feels anger toward Me because a loved one suffers and dies, what does she feel about My influence when other loved ones live in health, and when the death brings others to care and express concern in many ways? One of the marks of spiritual maturity is KNOWING that I am involved in your life and being able to see beyond what troubles you and to see Me still here with many blessings. Know that I have abolished death in the spiritual realm, the really important one. Yet still many who read this, hear this, and even mouth this truth are overwrought at a physical death. Someone they have loved dearly is “gone”. Where am I, who could have prevented this tragedy?

TUES., DEC. 20, 1983, 6:47 AM

Your position is not a comfortable one on this cold morning, but it appears that you must have one discomfort or another if you are to keep your commitment to Me. Actually, I shall teach you about this aspect of Me and My relations with earth folk that is most perplexing to some… in the midst of discomfort, pain, tragedy, where am I? I am here with you at this time, o son, to tell My side.

This is a time of discomfort from cold air, which is minor . . .

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