Where Are We… Now?

TUES., AUG. 28, 1990, 5:53 AM

This seems like a good morning to take a look at your life, in relation to this that We do together. Thus, We’ll have some answer to the question in the title, “Where are We, now… at this time and place?”

Your faith in this process is now quite strong. Doubts about the authenticity of these Teachings now are few. But you did have one on Sunday, and you have expected Me to comment. In Sunday morning’s Teaching… a good one on the relationship of spirit and breath and breathing… I made one brief reference to your leading the worship service on that day. You expected to do that, and you were prepared. But you were not scheduled, and so the question arose – didn’t I know that? Why would I make reference to something that I knew wasn’t going to happen? Good question.

I have told you repeatedly that you are not a prophet. I do not offer you glimpses of the future, as being other than you expect. You had not checked on Friday, which would have told you that you were not assisting. So you proceeded to prepare, and I liked the preparation. You had a nice mixture of humor and serious concern (and the service could have benefitted by a small infusion of fun!) I wanted you to be the leader, but I wasn’t willing to “do a miracle” to put you in that spot. I wanted you to be preparing for as long as possible. I knew it would bring a doubt, and you still need to deal with a small one, now and again. You were more aware of the sharing of spirit in the opening Bible class than you would have been… without the Teaching… and without the disappointment.

There was a certain regret in not having your own class, after these many years. Still, you knew that it is time for a respite, and you were ready to be an active learner of the prophesies in Ezekiel. Let that be a nice balance to the teaching of your own class. Be well prepared. You might even get a commentary… though I still assert that, fundamentally, Scripture must stand on its own. It must speak to you, not through an interpreter. After all, you do have Me, the Super Interpreter. Ask, and I shall help.

The session with Terri was a good one. You should continue these. They shall be of benefit to her… and also to you. It shall be as a small class, with the Teaching having its expected power to be of help in the encounters of life.

Yes, o son, you continue to be an unworthy chosen vessel. Objectively you are unworthy of such a regular visitational relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit. But I chose you, and you have responded well. Our Ruminations is as successful as I want it to be. It establishes you as I want you to be perceived. You are a chosen, holy vessel who hears Me directly, but still drinks, sometimes excessively, enjoys a hidden warrior spirit, and says “Shit!” with some frequency. I shall continue to lead you in generally comfortable paths.

You have received more recognition than you expected. I want this to be an impetus for you to publish some of what I want you to share with your profession. This is My major disappointment with you… your unwillingness to do the professional papers I desire from you. I keep spurring you, but to no present avail. I shall continue. I promise.

You have a Letter to write soon. You have Teachings to organize. Yet you still have life to live, in appreciation. Accomplishing always must be balanced with appreciating and contemplating. This you do well.

TUES., AUG. 28, 1990, 5:53 AM

This seems like a good morning to take a look at your life, in relation to this that We do together. Thus, We’ll have some answer to the question in the title, “Where are We, now… at this time and place?”

Your faith in this process is now quite strong. Doubts about the authenticity of these Teachings now are few. But you did have one on Sunday, and you have expected Me to comment. In Sunday morning’s Teaching… a good one on the relationship of spirit and breath and . . .

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