Where Is “Here”?

SUN., MAY 14, 1995, 6:09 AM

With some slight frustration you were calling Me… “Come. Holy Spirit, I am here.” I shall respond with a semi-mystical Teaching, with the above title. Yes, you are here, but where is “here”? Soon you shall know more than you want to about this strange question.

In one sense “here” is this cluttered desk in a cluttered study. Your completed last set of finals is here, plus pictures, receipts, bills, requests for donations… and only I know what else. It is warm this morning. There may be no more need for the little stove that keeps this room liveable during the colder mornings. It soon will be time to open windows so that the breezes from outside may also be inside. You are almost “leafed in” now. You can only see suggestions of the morning sun through the leaves of the many trees that surround this house. This study room needs cleaning, obviously… and also some improvement. Will you do this, during these next rather “free” weeks? So… here is a place, this place.

More importantly, here is a state of mind and spirit. This state is easier to attain than it was in our earlier times of relationship. “Here” is quieting and “controlling” your mind so that it is functional, but not dominant. It must be available to control writing, spelling, syntax, grammar. I supply the ideas but your developed mind translates these into English and into properly written sentences… sentences like those you write. When those who translated the Bible with which you were first familiar – King James – offered their finished product it was the English of that time. Did I speak in those terms… or more like The Living Bible that now speaks more clearly to you than other translations? But I digress, don’t I?!

Your mind must be available for My use, but meshed in a particular way with your spirit. Your mind must not dominate but must be the “servant” of your spirit and Mine. When I speak you don’t hear audible words, but your spirit hears the mystical language that is Mine. It does the initial translation, and then your mind does the rest. Actually the earth resounds with messages and teachings that I send forth – to individuals, families, groups, cultures, all of you. But only those with spirits attuned can make this two-part translation into the written word.

Many more, and this includes you, can accomplish the single translation… from My Spirit in My language to your spirit. Your spirit hears Me, in the midst of any activity, including any teaching task, and may incorporate My message into what you are doing or saying. You can become more conscious of this and can utilize My help more frequently. You are increasingly ready to be so guided, consciously. Give up your reservations. Be more open, in this late stage of your working and earth life, to the messages I send to you, and to humankind, as “assistance in living.”

SUN., MAY 14, 1995, 6:09 AM

With some slight frustration you were calling Me… “Come. Holy Spirit, I am here.” I shall respond with a semi-mystical Teaching, with the above title. Yes, you are here, but where is “here”? Soon you shall know more than you want to about this strange question.

In one sense “here” is this cluttered desk in a cluttered study. Your completed last set of finals is here, plus pictures, receipts, bills, requests for donations… and only I know what else. It is warm this morning. There may be no more need . . .

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