… While On The Banks…

SAT., OCT. 20, 1984, 7:18 AM

The origin of this quote is not important this morning, but the idea it conveys is. While the river of human history here in the earth flows red with the “blood” of tragedies of all kinds, life on the banks goes on, happy and manageable. My reign and dominion certainly encompasses these pleasant, peaceful banks, as well as the stormy, turbulent river.

Again I shall say… I am not recommending a pollyana spirit that does not acknowledge the hard times in earth life and My role as a judge and punisher of human error. I am simply reminding you (again) that while this earth realm is one of testing there is much pleasantness and even a good deal of joy experienced here, and this, too, is part of My purpose. Despite the demise of the original, perfect Garden of Eden, the earth still has a marvelous capacity to sustain and nurture life.

You hoped for a sunny, warm day today, and so have many farmers, for the season has had considerable wetness, and yet without this return of water to the earth much less life would be possible, and much more suffering would occur. Rain should be appreciated, even if it comes on an “inconvenient” time. Just know that if the rain prevents one desirable activity it encourages another. This is the view of life I recommend to you. On the banks people smile and sing songs, even as the rain falls.

I should say that it is difficult for Me to keep the balance between sun and rain… between serenity and turmoil. But it truly is not, for I see the purpose and value, even if individual persons seem to suffer too much. I see that out of “good” comes suffering, and out of pain and sorrow comes sunshine. Each blends into the other. For example, procreation is a good and necessary part of life incarnate. But this “good” can also be seen, rightly, as the ultimate cause of much human trouble. Numbers of people alone are not responsible for problems, for human suffering happens even in small groups. Still, numbers alone make some solutions unworkable. In some countries there shall be too many of the young. In yours it shall soon be too many of the old who no longer are producing and must be supported.

Yet both youth and old age are part of the joy of life… part of pleasant life on the banks, even as they contribute to the turmoil in the river As I have told you, you have experienced realms in which this “balancing” and “rhythm” is not necessary… and these are lovely. But they are not as challenging and for some not as growth-producing as this earth… a river between banks.

As you grow toward enlightenment and full acceptance of My Grace and My Will and Ways you shall just more naturally see the reality of eternal life and how each incident, however apparently wonderful, awful, or neutral, is just Me, leading you back to Me. To one not yet approaching this view of life the description of it, in words, seems bland and unexciting. Isn’t it better to experience emotional highs and then lows, to experience joy after true sorrow… rather than see these as all My various ways? Well, I have to say… when your hand is firmly in Mine you shall joy in seeing earth life as one of My best Ways.

SAT., OCT. 20, 1984, 7:18 AM

The origin of this quote is not important this morning, but the idea it conveys is. While the river of human history here in the earth flows red with the “blood” of tragedies of all kinds, life on the banks goes on, happy and manageable. My reign and dominion certainly encompasses these pleasant, peaceful banks, as well as the stormy, turbulent river.

Again I shall say… I am not recommending a pollyana spirit that does not acknowledge the hard times in earth life and My role as a judge and punisher . . .

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