While On The Banks… Again

FRI., MAY 8, 1992, 6:18 AM

The news of the day tells of much violence. The support group tells of dysfunctional families. You wrote about horrendous death. Is pain and violence normal here in the earth? Hear, o son, as I tell you how I see this earth, from My perspective.

There is much truth in the observation that journalists and historians focus on the turbulent, rushing river of inhuman acts… but on the banks… people love each other, plant flowers, worship Me (in many ways), and live simple, undocumented lives. As you read the obituaries you should be struck with the observation that most people are not famous, but are remembered in some simple, minor ways. Those that cause trouble are a minority, even in places of rioting, such as Los Angeles recently.

Those who use drugs in harmful ways are a minority, even in “drug” neighborhoods. There is 10% unemployment, but 90% are employed, and the majority get satisfaction from their work. A few policemen are violent. Most act responsibly, even in difficult situations. As I have told you many times, I am not displeased with My earth and its unique creations. I have allowed the development of rapid communication of various kinds. In many ways this has been a boon to human life, but it also has made possible the awareness of much negative behavior… creating the impression that the world is in terrible trouble. I see the whole picture differently.

You listen to the accounts of family and personal problems, from Brigette and in the group of which you are a part. You realize that such groups abound, as well as therapy groups, people in bars… I see and hear these, and some pray to Me for help, while other wallow, farther and farther from My help. Still, on the banks are the majority, loving their children and grandchildren, greeting most days with some joy, and helping one another, so that spirit grows, if only a bit. Hundreds of students participated in a destructive evening in the town recently, but out of the 22,000 or so students many more were actually studying or spending the evening in quiet, productive ways. And so it is wherever violence and chaos are reported.

I see those whom I call generally responding with love and appreciation. Some are in high places, most are not. Some are clergy; most are not. I welcome others who come to Me, “uncalled” in any formal way, but responding to the invitations of others or to My “general” outstretched hand. The earth is a great intermixture of these. Some are called to be rigid in their righteousness. Others are called to be open and forgiving, no matter what the trespass. These are the extremes. Most have combinations of standards and compassion. Need generally tends to bring out helpful responses. Too often the focus is on the deficiencies rather than on the sufficiencies… even the excesses of help.

The Biblical story is one with many obvious excesses, but also one of much love and devotion, between the lives. If those times would have been “blessed” with the communications of this day you can speculate as to how the story would have been different. If I should come again, from the clouds, would this be a major media event? Would there be much analysis of what I say, with learned comparisons with printed Scripture? Would I be able to bring peace, or would factions rise against each other, seeking My favor? I have some desire to try this, but… not yet.

FRI., MAY 8, 1992, 6:18 AM

The news of the day tells of much violence. The support group tells of dysfunctional families. You wrote about horrendous death. Is pain and violence normal here in the earth? Hear, o son, as I tell you how I see this earth, from My perspective.

There is much truth in the observation that journalists and historians focus on the turbulent, rushing river of inhuman acts… but on the banks… people love each other, plant flowers, worship Me (in many ways), and live simple, undocumented lives. As you read the obituaries you . . .

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