Who Am I… Really?

MON., JUNE 1, 1998, 12:11 PM

For the record, right off the bat, I Am Holy Spirit, “part” of the Triune God of Christianity. And many would say that this is sufficient. “You are part of the Trinity, but you are not as evident and powerful as God, the Creator and Sustainer of all that there is”. “You are not as knowable as Jesus, the Son and the Christ, the focus of the New Testament.” “You’re the Third Person (?) in this Trinity, but you’re definitely third.”

I can accept this, based on Holy Scripture. Yet I also like Jesus’ admonition that “the first shall be last, and the last, first.” Actually, there is no competition among Us, and We are One, as well as Two, and even Three. The fact that this doesn’t fit the rational thought that is the basis for your culture doesn’t bother Me in the least. Which is it? Both/And. Surprised?

The article that Rick (one of My reluctant servants) sent to you was a good, brief account of how I am perceived by many, who are not much like you in worship practices, expectations, and experiences. Since I am not described, majestically and powerfully, as God is, and not portrayed as both human and divine, as Jesus is, My identity is a dove, a friendly creature, symbolizing peace… and as wind and fire.

Though I have been in the earth since its “beginning” and in realms of spirit “forever” (long beyond imagination) I was “unleashed” at Pentecost as wind and fire. Fire is obviously powerful energy (in transition), which can be controlled but which can burst forth out of control (as evidenced in forest fires). (12:36 / 12:38) However, fire, in various forms is responsible for much good in human life… like in cooking and heating. Many good parts of My earth would not be habitable if it were not for forms of fire.

As wind I am useful, but not nearly so controllable. A small town in South Dakota is virtually gone this morning because of a powerfully devastating wind. You also recall your early days in Hawaii (before air conditioning… a means of controlling wind) when trade winds made those Islands seem more like paradise than like steamy tropics.

What’s the point of these “representations”? I am friendly, peace-loving, and as important a force for good as the earth realm has. I have the power of fire, and I can influence and even cause what happens here in the earth. But, as I’ve told you often, I have supreme wisdom, understanding, and Knowledge. I can foresee consequences of actions incredibly beyond what any of you, even as groups and with your “machines”, can. When total consequences are as “good” as they are now it doesn’t seem wise to do much supernatural changing.

Of My three “identities” (isn’t 3 a good number!?) I like wind the best, even knowing it is the most bothersome to serious Christian theologians. For, as wind I cannot be bound, fettered, made to conform. It doesn’t diminish My status as part of the Trinity to be working with Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Native Americans, agnostics… even atheists… to help many non-and former-Christians to appreciate spirit as the dominant factor in earth life. So, like the wind, I can work or play when, where, how, and with whom I choose.

Some I “slay in the spirit”… others speak in tongues or sing strange spiritual songs. To you I come as a friendly “voice”, that you now can discern quite easily and that continues to produce tangible Teachings, rational evidence of… what?

You see, the other characteristic of Me, only seldom considered, is that I have a tremendous sense of fun. There are a few truly serious “events” in earth life, far fewer than the press or the clergy focus upon. Much of what I do, I do in this spirit of fun. I enjoy being Holy Spirit, and I want you to enjoy being Bob Russell (even with a body that keeps “shorting out”. (And what about that quite unexpected green “contribution”?!)

I love the diversity of earth life, particularly among you humans. I love speaking to you as Holy Spirit, and yet I can easily “switch” and speak as Jesus and even as the Big Yahweh. I have guided your life, and that includes “sending you” folks like Rick, who is as much a son to you as your own biological heirs. This won’t happen as often now, but never underestimate My capacities. Awesome!

1:13 PM