Who Am I? Really!

WED., JAN. 26, 2000, 8:57 AM

You, o son, are a Christian, one reasonably “orthodox.” You are fairly comfortable as a Presbyterian, one conscious of the fact that the predestination belief of Calvin is not very “popular” in a free, democratic society. Governmentally, your church is democratically representative, but you feel that most Presbys are uncomfortable with the notion that some of them are “chosen”… by Me, Holy Spirit, for various reasons.

OK, I’ve identified Myself as Holy Spirit, and the Scriptures you and your breakfast group are studying are not specific about what I do and from whence I originated, but I am not to be blasphemed against, so said Jesus, another manifestation of Me.

As Jesus, so the Scriptures tell, I was conceived through My union (as Holy Spirit) with the virgin Mary. I was born in Bethlehem, and the remembrance and celebration of this is your “powerful” holiday, Christmas. I grew up in Nazareth, began an active ministry of teaching, preaching, and healing at about age 30 (more or less). According to the Luke Gospel I knew, in this ministry, that I was destined to give this earth life of Mine “for the sins of the world.” So I had to “arrange” for this to happen. My preaching and My confrontations with the Pharisees (the “good Christians” of that time) aroused their ire, and I “got” My sacrifice.

Thus, it appears that while God was My Father (and I called Him such), the Holy Spirit (Me) was My Father in a more biological sense. Hence the mystery of the Trinity, a foundation for the Christian faith: As Holy Spirit I am One with God, the Father, AND I am separate and apart. Both/And.

As God I always have been. Ditto with Me as Holy Spirit, although this is not clearly Scriptural. One of your unique “characteristics” as a Christian is your close relationship with Me, Holy Spirit… more so than with Me, as Jesus. You don’t deny My place, as Jesus, but you do hear from Me, Holy Spirit. At times you have felt a bit uncomfortable with Christians who speak of their close relationship with Me, as Jesus, the Christ. Mostly through our Ruminations do you attest to this close, friendly interchange with Me, Holy Spirit, rather than with Me, Jesus. Remember… My love for diversity, here in the earth.

I am both a servant to God, the Father, and even to Christ, the Son… and an absolute equal with these manifestations of spirit. As God, I shouldn’t need Me, as Spirit, but I enjoy this “bifold” relationship. I was helpful to Jesus in His earthly ministry, but only occasionally was this acknowledged. I am often helpful to God, Who, “theoretically,” should never need help. This all sounds strange, but it works out rather neatly. Remember that the essence of Us is mystical, rather than rational or logical. You hear Me rather regularly and, by now, quite clearly. Just accept this gift, without questions… or when you have questions I’ll answer, as clearly as I am speaking now.

Just assume that “All 3 of Us” have always been. As Jesus I came to earth as a rather tangible manifestation of Us. As God, I appeared to a number of My “original” Jewish folks. As Holy Spirit I am more mystical, but I certainly offer you many observations on life, past, present, and future.

I am the One who “elected” you to have this mystical, but tangible experience with Me. Could you have rejected My “offer,” either initially or after a year or more? Theoretically yes, for you are a human with “free will”… but, actually, My “free will” is more compelling than yours. And, remember, I chose you early in your life, but just guided you in ways that would make it easy for you to accept this “predestined” active relationship.

WED., JAN. 26, 2000, 8:57 AM

You, o son, are a Christian, one reasonably “orthodox.” You are fairly comfortable as a Presbyterian, one conscious of the fact that the predestination belief of Calvin is not very “popular” in a free, democratic society. Governmentally, your church is democratically representative, but you feel that most Presbys are uncomfortable with the notion that some of them are “chosen”… by Me, Holy Spirit, for various reasons.

OK, I’ve identified Myself as Holy Spirit, and the Scriptures you and your breakfast group are studying are not specific about what I do . . .

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