Who Gets My Blessing?

SAT., AUG. 14, 1993, 5:46 AM

There is an interesting range in belief and conviction among those who acknowledge Me as God in relation to who gets My blessing. At one extreme are those who aver that I bless very narrowly, mainly them and those quite like them in belief and practice. This implies or asserts that I either am indifferent or hostile to the rest of human-kind and of life. The other extreme is the perception that I am constant and ever-increasing love, and that My blessings are on all of life, even on those who do not acknowledge Me, by word or deed.

Betwixt and between are many “positions” – I bless only humans… I bless only Christians…. I bless most those who suffer… I bless only heterosexuals… I bless only those who keep My commandments… I bless only those who confess their sins and try to sin no more… I bless only those who are born again into relationship with Me as the Christ… and on and on.

The Scriptures are the basis for many of these perceptions, including those that conflict with others. That is, some have a very narrow view of My blessings, based in Scripture, while others see Me as blessing profusely, again based in Scripture… an interpretation thereof.

You read last night a “sermon,” of sorts, by a minister of your denomination, that saw Me as particularly concerned with those suffering from some sort of pain. Applying that, you’ve just awakened from a blessed night, wherein your shoulder ached and your body itched, terribly. This should help to make pain more endurable… if I bless more fully when you suffer.

Your culture struggles with inequalities and with prejudices. Does My affirmation that the last shall be first and the first last mean that the most down-trodden minorities are the most blessed? Who are the first and the last? Do I turn away from those who openly and lovingly serve Me to bless those who reject and even blaspheme Me? Am I more of a loving God or more of a jealous God? Holy Scripture says both, and this is both/and thinking that is hard to interpret.

Is the intellectual who uses her mind to great advantage but who doubts My existence, power, and love to be blessed? Or do My blessings flow more fully to those who flock in faith to a place and a woman who supposedly hears directly from the Virgin Mary? Are you more blessed because you write down what you hear from Me… as against one who prays more lengthily, but has “nothing to show for time with Me”? (Is a Teaching full of questions more blessed than one with only assertions??)

You see that whatever I tell you, in assertive form, shall not agree with conviction that others have, others with more status than you. With that warning, I shall tell you, nevertheless.

I tell you that I bless both equally and unequally. This is a both/and proposition that shall be hard to understand. I have special blessings for those most in need. I have special blessings for those who seek Me diligently through Scripture. I have special blessings for the girl who refuses to have sexual intercourse… and for the girl who gives in and gets pregnant… for the one who reluctantly carries and delivers the baby… for the one who has an abortion. Each of these is special and abundant.

SAT., AUG. 14, 1993, 5:46 AM

There is an interesting range in belief and conviction among those who acknowledge Me as God in relation to who gets My blessing. At one extreme are those who aver that I bless very narrowly, mainly them and those quite like them in belief and practice. This implies or asserts that I either am indifferent or hostile to the rest of human-kind and of life. The other extreme is the perception that I am constant and ever-increasing love, and that My blessings are on all of life, even on . . .

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