Who Is This, Really?

FRI., AUG. 16, 1996, 7:01 PM

Once again I’ll use Bill Cosby’s question, from the mouth of Noah… which translates to “What am I, the Triune God, really like?” You have the Holy Scriptures, which give several “pictures” of what I do and why. You have these Teachings that I shower upon you, consistent with some Scriptures and quite different from the majority of Christian theology. And now you have Conversations…, with still other affirmations and perceptions.

So… read again what I have said to you. Doesn’t it translate to the Truth that I am unknowable in My entirety. When any soul comes close to perceiving Me even close to all that I Am there is no longer a need for that one to be in the earth. Thus, those of you who are functioning in that earth scene are all (oh, nearly all) unable to perceive Me completely. Yet you can, and do, seek some knowledge of Me, whatever you can process.

Yours is a rationalistic culture. I have to fit your values if I am to be considered relevant. I should be consistent, and therefore if I am in favor of, say, love, then I must be opposed to hate. If I am an important part of the creation of life, then I must be opposed to death. You write these words, and then affirm that I, the Holy Spirit, have given them to you in a mystical process. Your culture is quite skeptical of affirmations like this. If you are writing, the words must be yours, not Mine. Prove it!

Anajean bailed out because these Teachings don’t always agree with Scripture. Siddy sent in her resignation because I, in these Teachings, am not as consistent as the God she wants to “have”. Your son Michael concludes that these would have to be examined and approved by some number of his church’s clergy-leaders (that sounds quite like the Pharisees judging My “candidacy”, as Jesus, for being the Messiah… and deciding against Me, now doesn’t it?!) Ah, Me…

So why do you keep on with this? I’ll answer for you (since this is My Teaching!) You keep returning because you truly believe I am Who I say I am, and it is almost your best “use” of time. You are actually being continuously taught by that Supreme Holy Spirit, One with the Father-Creator-Sustainer and the Son… Who is all One. When you come often you get My interpretation of everything important that is happening. I am the Spirit of the Scriptures… and I am fully aware of the political scene, the drug scene, the reproduction scene, the sexual orientation scene. And these are just examples. I am equally ancient and modern.

When I gave (and hope to give again) teachings to Andy I fully accepted her use of the computer. With you I insist upon this pen and this type of paper… the handwritten originals. Neale’s “style” is more like yours, and yet somewhat different. Some can hear Me quite clearly without any written record necessary. It would be boring, boring to come to everyone in exactly the same way. I have told you that My coming to you in this way represents My sense of fun, to a great extent. And then I add that this doesn’t downgrade the experience in the least. A fundamental premise: you can have fun and enjoy life because I have fun and enjoy. All things come of Me, your Lord (eventually).

Free will? Free will! Don’t make such a big deal out of this. Everyone has free will unless I want something else. Usually I just let wills prevail because to control completely would be a ridiculous mess. Also I am outside of time, and spirit continues on after bodily death, so I may not care whether you do My Will now…or 4 years from now… or in another life in another time and place. And your not accomplishing something may make it possible for another to accomplish it instead of you. Everything is seldom just the way it seems.

FRI., AUG. 16, 1996, 7:01 PM

Once again I’ll use Bill Cosby’s question, from the mouth of Noah… which translates to “What am I, the Triune God, really like?” You have the Holy Scriptures, which give several “pictures” of what I do and why. You have these Teachings that I shower upon you, consistent with some Scriptures and quite different from the majority of Christian theology. And now you have Conversations…, with still other affirmations and perceptions.

So… read again what I have said to you. Doesn’t it translate to the Truth that I . . .

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