Who’s In Charge?!

FRI., OCT. 14, 1994, 7:21 AM

As you listen to or read the news of each day, the question in My title certainly should arise. More specifically, with all of the violence, deaths, and immoral behavior reported, can I, the Triune God, really be in charge? Shouldn’t an earth that is My domain be one of peace and joy… only? You know better than this, but it is a truth that I need to keep reinforcing and repeating. Despite all of these reports, I AM in charge… and I do speak in this instance, as Almighty God, the Power Supreme of the Universe.

The most significant Scripture from this book of Daniel that your group is studying, but not studying, is that I AM the One Who has ALL wisdom and power, including the power to know what will happen and to determine what will happen, if I choose. I allow other forces, including evil ones. I allow acts that these forces originate and carry through. I also allow the development of medical systems, such as the one your culture continues to develop, which save and prolong lives and help some lives have more quality.

But the other fundamental is that I am not concerned with the length of any life. And, of course, I am concerned with the increase in human life here in the earth. Human life is My greatest SINGLE creation, but My Greatest creation is the order of the total universe and all that relates to it. And, more specifically, the earth as an ecological system, in relation to the sun, with its balances of earth and water, its balances of gases, its myriad life forms… all of this that makes human life possible is My Greatest creation.

And now, the activities that I have allowed humans, including procreation and the successful practice of medicine and public health, are harming this Supreme Creation. The Scriptures could not warn of this danger. They merely can say that I am in charge.

I am letting this destruction continue, in the name of freedom, free will, and human rights. I don’t like the results that I see right now, and those coming in the near future. Then why do I allow all of this to happen? Because I see much growth and development of spirit in perilous times. Also, the adaptation capacities of other forms of life, non-human, are greater than those of humans, so humans will perish, in great numbers, and then the earth will regenerate. That also shall be an interesting time, and I still will be in charge.

( 8:00 A / 12:08 P )

I can be any type of “ruler” that I choose to be. I can be a harsh, demanding king… or a loveable, loving king. I can delegate powers to earthly rulers, and then influence, from mightily to hardly at all. Even democracies have elected presidents, again with a range of respect and support. I can appear to take any of the many roles that are implied. Your secular culture has and displays an ambivalence about My knowledge, power, and influence. Your tolerance for diversity is less than Mine, but the tolerance that you do have translates to no strong conviction about Me, but also no definite rejection. Presidents almost always end a presentation with “God bless you” or “God bless the American people,” which means that it is “politically correct” to call on Me in this way, even if children in schools may not do this.

From My vantage point I see the majority of humans in the earth as having some sense that I am in charge, though the individual perceptions vary, as do the strengths of conviction and commitment. And then I see this minority that remains divided among those who reject Me and those who haven’t heard or have heard in some non-motivating way. One of the “fun things” I’ve done over the whole of My relationship with humans is to touch the spirit of an unbeliever in such a way that he, or she, acknowledges Me even if there has been no apparent education for this commitment. (I also sometimes encourage a soul with a well-developed spirit to return to earth in a non-believing family or culture and see how that new spirit can bring changes.

Some of My servants become overworried about My “position” and about respect for Me. There is no need for such concern. I have Ultimate Power, and if I don’t use it, it’s because I choose not to or it seems better to let earth forces prevail. There is no weakness!

For sure
12:29 PM