Who’s To Blame?

FRI., FEB. 26, 1993, 6:30 AM

Several of the programs that you watch of an evening deal with courtroom trials, which determine who’s to blame for a particular crime. OR… since your system of justice proclaims that an accused is innocent until proven guilty, beyond reasonable doubt, the drama may end with just raising such doubt about the person accused, with evidence implicating someone else.

Each human society defines crimes and then develops some system of policing, arresting, and then determining who’s to blame… with an additional system of fines, jails, prisons, and community service for those judged guilty. Some of these systems are simple, with justice and punishment meted out quickly. Others are slower, with somewhat more chance of actually determining blame.

Most crimes are defined as such because the consequences for the victim are disturbing, harmful, even tragic. It is rather simple and satisfying to suspect and prove that one individual or one group was responsible… was to blame… for some tragic happening. But this isn’t always possible. One alternative is just nature or the expected result of some human, technological endeavor. Thus, you just have experienced a storm, and, as a result, a few persons have died, some have been hurt, and there has been property damage. This can be expected whenever snow falls as this did. Human error may be a factor also, but the earth conditions are more often responsible… and blamed.

In your culture, with My Christian religion as its base there also are two other approaches to blame. One of them is to blame the devil or satan, this evil spirit whom I created but who rebelled against Me and came somehow, to the earth, against My will and, somehow gained control of the earth. He (for he almost always is referred to as “he”) influences people and groups to commit sins and crimes by dominating their spirits, bringing forth hate and anger. This results in bad things happening to good people. Somehow, in this interpretation, My influence, as the Almighty, Triune God, is countered, and I really can’t do anything about it, short of destroying the earth and all of human life.

Oh, there is the myth of Armageddon, a battle between Me and “My forces” and those of satan, in which I shall triumph, and those who remain will no longer be bothered by evil. Again, the implication is that I generally am inferior to this evil force, until I decide to exert Myself in some super fashion, but I can’t win without destruction of most of what has developed as culture.

And, of course there is one other possibility in Who’s to blame, one I have offered to you in numerous ways. It starts with the Truth that I am in charge of this earth realm. No power has been taken from Me. I cause, and I allow. This means that when good and wonderful “things” happen in your life I am directly responsible, I have manipulated certain forces and people so that you have benefitted, or I have just allowed the “natural” workings of the earth to prevail, to your benefit. This is easy to accept, for I am a loving, caring God.

FRI., FEB. 26, 1993, 6:30 AM

Several of the programs that you watch of an evening deal with courtroom trials, which determine who’s to blame for a particular crime. OR… since your system of justice proclaims that an accused is innocent until proven guilty, beyond reasonable doubt, the drama may end with just raising such doubt about the person accused, with evidence implicating someone else.

Each human society defines crimes and then develops some system of policing, arresting, and then determining who’s to blame… with an additional system of fines, jails, prisons, and community service . . .

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