Why Are You Here… ?

SAT., SEP. 13, 1997, 6:45 AM

Yes, o son, occasionally I must ask you this question, with the continuation: “doing what you’re doing at this early hour?” This morning you didn’t exactly feel ready for this, but, having considered the alternatives, you are here. Why?

We could call it habit. I’d rather call it a spiritual compulsion… a holy addiction. But those terms both have a rather negative connotation, in your culture, because they suggest that you are not here of your own free will. And isn’t free will just about the most important human characteristic… My greatest gift? Well, you know I don’t say this… but why?

Having absolute free will is a child-like state. It is one of the main spiritual challenges of earth life, and when you come into the middle class of this culture you are given the supreme challenge. For in the fullness of spiritual maturity, which We could also call enlightenment, you have given up this “gift” and accepted the more worthy gift of relationship with Me… dependence on deity.

You are not there yet, but your action of coming here to this desk and entering into Our special covenant is indication that your spirit is recognizing its maturity. That’s good! You know this is the most important action of your day, and the supreme way to begin each.

It is now over 18 years since I came to you, and you pledged the first hour of each day… and fulfilled that promise for two months. You were younger then, of course, but you also had many more responsibilities. It was a true sacrifice, and I appreciated that. I also needed it to establish the compulsion, the dependence, the addiction. You didn’t have to come, “listen”, and write every morning, but We agreed on 3 or 4 a week, always with the possibility of more, but not of less.

I chose you for this unique experience. You, who are far from perfect in word and deed… and imperfect even in this relationship. Yet you recognize and accept (even gratefully) that your supreme task is to be faithful in trusting Me. You have some sense that you are in a mystical heritage, but you feel quite alone in this, for it separates you, in a rather vital way, from family members, colleagues, friends, and even fellow Christians (particularly Presbyterian).

You see, if I hadn’t established the “spiritual compulsion” you would be able, after some “reasonable thoughts”, to skip these opportunities. It, thus, and now, becomes your task to relate fully and warmly with many of these who cannot easily accept what We do together. But I want you to have no doubts about the importance and authenticity of these Teachings. I Who “speak” in this way am Holy Spirit, as I tell you often.

But if this is so, shouldn’t you be making these known to a “waiting world”. You are educated and aware enough to know that there would be no great “longing” for these Teachings, now. You are an improbable mystic, and who gives much credence to mystics? Just be faithful to this calling, and leave the “results” to Me. Oh, I do want you to continue with Our Ruminations, with no great increase in “circulation”. About 200 is a sufficient group; just try to replace those who drop away, for one reason or another.

SAT., SEP. 13, 1997, 6:45 AM

Yes, o son, occasionally I must ask you this question, with the continuation: “doing what you’re doing at this early hour?” This morning you didn’t exactly feel ready for this, but, having considered the alternatives, you are here. Why?

We could call it habit. I’d rather call it a spiritual compulsion… a holy addiction. But those terms both have a rather negative connotation, in your culture, because they suggest that you are not here of your own free will. And isn’t free will just about the most . . .

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