Why Be Consistent?

FRI., MAR. 15, 1996, 7:55 AM

One extreme view of Me, as the Triune God, is that I am fanatically consistent, with all of My actions fitting neatly with Scripture. Now this view does have to overlook the fact that the Scriptural story is not completely consistent, but that can be done if there is a “need” for consistent, predictable actions. Considering you, for the moment, to be a Zen Presbyterian, conjure up the opposite extreme view. In this I am completely free, in this time and in this cultural setting to be any way I want to be and do, or not do, whatever I feel like. The Bible is a story of how I was 2,000-4,000 years ago, but I am compelled in no way to be and act as I did then. I am a completely Free Spirit, who adapts to times, places, and cultures and is bound by nothing, even Scripture… and certainly not by church laws.

As you have written what I’ve told you over these last nearly 17 years you see Me as closer to this second extreme than to the first, but not being “an extremist”, either way. I have told you that you are in the tradition of mystics, those who hear Me in special ways… and have throughout human history. Now you also realize that there is considerable “prophetic writing” in the Bible, and those who originally spoke these words were a kind of mystic. But now these have become canonized, so these renditions of prophetic “hearings” are Holy Scripture, and what you write is not… may even be “of the devil”.

I am a Responsible God, and hence acting with complete freedom would be too difficult. There would be too many decisions, too many guided actions, as well as dealing with human responses to inconsistencies. I have established systems, and these operate well. Of course I have to be more attentive to how all of these are functioning in this time, because you humans, in your greater numbers, have much more capacity to harm the systems than in Biblical times. I have to foresee what is happening and what will happen next and decide whether such consequences are acceptable.

You heard some discussion this morning about Africa, with some projected attempts to help these nations become more “developed”. If they should achieve more development they could do more harm to their environment, and if more lives were saved from death by disease or infection their “too-large” population would be even more so. Are these people “better” when living close to poverty, but simply, than if they were helped toward a higher standard of living, with desires for even more. Should I somehow motivate your nation to help toward development, with money and supervision? A hard question to answer.

But back to consistency: do I want all current humans to have equal access to what the earth can provide? If the answer is Yes (even tentatively) then… do I want every one of you 5.6 billion humans to have a middle-class American life style, or do I want most of you Americans to live quite more simply, with much less than you now have, and aspire toward? (How’d you like to be God?)

Must I be passive and just accept only and all those who come to Me, out of their free will? No, I won’t be so bound. I can choose folk for special assignments, and I can “mess around” with life processes, as I did with Dannion. He should have died, but he didn’t. He was no “desirable servant” as a man. Yet I let him in on a number of future events and let him have special powers by which he can understand the needs of others, mystically… supernaturally. His story is one that brings some special folk to Me, that ordinary happenings wouldn’t.

FRI., MAR. 15, 1996, 7:55 AM

One extreme view of Me, as the Triune God, is that I am fanatically consistent, with all of My actions fitting neatly with Scripture. Now this view does have to overlook the fact that the Scriptural story is not completely consistent, but that can be done if there is a “need” for consistent, predictable actions. Considering you, for the moment, to be a Zen Presbyterian, conjure up the opposite extreme view. In this I am completely free, in this time and in this cultural setting to be any way I want . . .

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