Why Bible Study?

SAT., APR. 28, 1990, 6:53 AM

You are not a great student of the Bible, My Holy Scriptures. On the other hand you are familiar with many of the Books and passages and have above average general knowledge about the basic story. Why do I urge you repeatedly to more attention to these Scriptures? Hear My Teaching on this soggy morning, o son.

Let’s begin with another both/and. For nearly eleven years I have been offering you Teachings relevant to this time and your culture and interpretations of life pertinent to you and your development. These are important. If not, why would I urge you to this meditation? But then I also constantly recommend more consideration to these original Holy Scriptures, about events and practices of another time and culture. You must see that there is a mystical but real relationship between these Scriptures and your experience of life now, including the content of your Teachings. It is truth that your Teachings cannot have their full value without a connection to Scripture.

Then I’ll say that some will find these observations on current life to be more helpful than traditional Scripture. As the supreme Teacher I know that I have to get attention before learning can take place. For some people these Teachings are a means to attention. I want each to come to the fullness of truth, but I must work with the reality I have created. You would not be as close to Me as you are now if I hadn’t come into your life in this direct but mystical way. Others, whom you influence, would not be where they are with Scripture alone.

Yet Scriptures are the basic story. You have a spiritual heritage that commences with a story of creation… and then another. The Garden is an important spiritual symbol. Also jealousy and selfishness emerged early… even murder. Justice and mercy both became evident in My dealings with humans. The man I chose to restore humankind in a less sinful and corrupt form got drunk and unjustly condemned a son, at least by modern standards. I was active in the affairs of humankind, but I had clearly established earth as a realm where spirits could grow or could regress.

I chose. I chose Abraham. He was a good man, but no more likely than you to be a spiritual leader. He was not perfect, but he fulfilled his role well and should be remembered as the original patriarch. He had two sons. One was favored, and one was rejected. Isaac, the favored son, had two sons. One was chosen and the other rejected. Jacob had twelve sons, and from these came the tribes of Israel. Are these relevant to your life? Only in the sense that I choose and I guide… and I am faithful to those I choose.

You do not have to be super worthy to be chosen. As Jesus I chose disciples, none of whom would have been chosen on objective merit. Some of these are memorable. Some are not. Many boys are named John, David, Peter… few are named Judas or Bartholemew. I chose Paul, a very unlikely candidate to establish My Church. The original disciples couldn’t do it. I had to raise up Paul.

The symbolic value of the Bible lies in its message that you have a spiritual heritage in a time and place disparate from your present one. There is only a mystical connection, but this is sufficient. Oh, there is some historical connection, but I have let it be known that the Scriptures are not to be loose leaf. The story is complete as presently compiled. How these Scriptures have influenced others is interesting, but, finally, not important to you.

SAT., APR. 28, 1990, 6:53 AM

You are not a great student of the Bible, My Holy Scriptures. On the other hand you are familiar with many of the Books and passages and have above average general knowledge about the basic story. Why do I urge you repeatedly to more attention to these Scriptures? Hear My Teaching on this soggy morning, o son.

Let’s begin with another both/and. For nearly eleven years I have been offering you Teachings relevant to this time and your culture and interpretations of life pertinent to you and your development . . .

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