Why Cancer?

TUES., NOV. 10, 1992, 6:09 AM

Hear, o son, for I speak to you in the darkness of this early, stormy morning. I, the Holy Spirit, call you to listen for thoughts beyond your own. This is not an orthodox way of learning, but, you must admit, it is an easy one. As you listen, you hear… and you write, leaving a tangible record of what I want you to know. My knowledge is so limitless that no human can comprehend it all, and so you all have only a partial, and a “biased” view of life. That is just one of the conditions of earth life.

Cancer is one of the conditions of earth life. In the view of your secular culture and of its orthodox medicine it is a disease that causes many deaths and that can and should be excised or killed with chemicals or radiation. In My view, the view I share with you this day, cancer is a body’s response to “modern life”, and, most importantly, it is a test of the human spirit. Ironically, as you often point out in your professional presentations, cancer cells are your own body cells, strong but dysfunctional. They can take over for functional cells and “mess up” the complex way the body works. Cancer is of major concern in your culture and will continue to be.

I did not specifically design cancer as a means of suffering and death. It has developed out of interactions that all seem good, in intent, and I have allowed it to develop, as one of many challenges to the human spirit as it inhabits an earth body. I am quite aware of the suffering that is part of cancer as a disease, but I also am aware of how spirits can flower with this as a challenge.

Human thought power and ingenuity can combine to make earth life easier. Your culture leads in providing “better living through chemistry,” with new substances each day, some of which do serve to make life “easier.” But there always is residue. So your air, water, land, food, and general environment is increasingly laced with chemicals and particles, combining in innumerable ways. This is not the natural environment for the human body. One of the wonders of this time in the earth is the capacities of many bodies to adapt to these conditions… much more amazing than the relative few who succumb with cancer.

The other elements are mental and emotional stress and spiritual malaise. Your culture seeks to overload the mind, with competing facts, concepts, and ideas. It is a diverse multiculture, with a range of standards and practices. Even Christians disagree and battle with each other over interpretations of My Scriptures and how I should be worshipped and how life should be led. This leads, for some, to emotional upset, that even overcomes the desire or capacity of spirit to unify and balance the stimuli of life. These internal irritations combine with the external ones. And for some, capacities to adapt break down or wear out. Some are more susceptible; others are less.

Cancer is part of My earth. I did not design it purposely, but I have allowed it to develop, as a natural consequence of human desire to over dominate, to go beyond what I have offered. It is one symbol that there are consequences to human actions, however positive the motives may be. I also have allowed it as a curb to the growth of human population. As I have told you often the increase in human numbers is upsetting the balance of all that I have created. Symbolically, human life is becoming more like a cancer, wherein the good becomes an evil.

Chris, one of My good and faithful servants, now knows she has cancer. She seeks to deal with it in some non-medical way, hewing to the truth that restoring a better balance internally may enable the body to overcome these renegade cells, as most bodies do, as a mater of course. Her spirit is and must be attuned to healing and to positive health. This means focusing her energies beyond herself. To be overly concerned with herself is not health-restoring. She should open herself to the needs of others, living life even more purposefully for Me and for others and for all that I have created.

The prayers of others are more important than her prayers for herself. She must pray for others. Let the healing begin!

7:10 AM