Why Do I Choose?

SUN., APR. 14, 1991, 6:49 AM

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you.” You recognize that as a statement from Me, as Jesus, as recorded by John. I did choose you, and you are quite willing to admit this. You have a sense of why this was… and for what… but in a culture that emphasizes your reaching out to Me, with individual initiative, you need encouragement. Sunday is a good day for such.

Some of My choices have been crucial to history and to the development of the Christian faith, but only a few. I chose Abraham, of course, but it seems that he, himself, was not critical. It had to be someone with whom the tradition began. Abraham was My choice. Isaac was chosen over Ishmael, and you wonder what the world would have been like today if I had chosen both to be progenitors of a single people, rather than competing ones.

Jacob became the true patriarch of My people rather than Esau. In action Esau seemed more like David, who also was chosen, but in that early time it was Jacob I selected. He wasn’t perfect, but I tested him, and he came through.

Of all the chosen men in the Scriptures the one who seems the most indispensable was Paul. This was a clear case of chosenness, as he asserts time and again. Paul was necessary. It was a hard task. He knew it. He didn’t always like his role, and it often seemed as though he were unsuccessful, but he accomplished, for Me, rather well. I just couldn’t let what I had started, as Jesus, be lost in the flow of history, and none of the original disciples had the capacity Paul had.

Throughout history there have been others who have been chosen for memorable tasks, but most of My choices are more like the choice of you… historically unimportant, but having a positive effect on people’s lives in your own sphere. You know what your “gift” is, what your task is… and that I accept you, even when you are not true to your calling.

( 7:24 – 5:00 PM )

Since I am the ultimate power in all of creation, including the earth I can use this as I please. Put away the myth that I have lost My power or given it up to any other creature or force. One aspect of that power is that of choice. I need not explain why certain people are chosen for certain tasks, many rather unrelated. It is not possible for you, or any human to comprehend the complexity of total creation… or even of the earth. Some servants of Mine are working at what seem to be cross-purposes, but I can see the connections and the possible ultimate relationships. I can let some chosen people fail… or die… or go astray in some way. Some will be “resurrected” by My power, while others will be left to learn… and possibly grow… from failure.

I’ll also reiterate an oft-expressed assertion – I sometimes choose just for fun. Too many humans, including Christians, feel that creation and choosing must be entirely serious. Not so. I do have fun with some earth lives, and I am amazed at what some souls can do, given a “playful” situation. Some, when they “come on over” enjoy My perspective on the earth task they had and are glad to know that what seemed so difficult or so crazy was just one of My “choices.”

And what about those who are not chosen? I still have love for all of them and am more than pleased when some come to Me on their own and develop a ministry or a service of which I approve. That means that some clergy (I won’t say how many) are not chosen by Me for this life task. Some think they have been… or wish they had been… and some know they haven’t been. Some of these latter do succeed moderately in clergy roles, for they are intelligent, compassionate persons. They just lack the assistance I offer to My chosen ones.

SUN., APR. 14, 1991, 6:49 AM

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you.” You recognize that as a statement from Me, as Jesus, as recorded by John. I did choose you, and you are quite willing to admit this. You have a sense of why this was… and for what… but in a culture that emphasizes your reaching out to Me, with individual initiative, you need encouragement. Sunday is a good day for such.

Some of My choices have been crucial to history and to the development of the Christian faith, but only a few . . .

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