Why? Do I Love Diversity?

THURS., AUG. 31, 2000, 2:25 PM

It is about time to begin the writing of another Letter called… Ruminations. You usually are late and scrambling to make Our self-assigned deadline. Now you are a month “ahead,” but if you don’t get this written soon you’ll be “scrambling yet again.

You’ve accepted that the theme should be a kind of continuation of the June Letter… some of My amplification on My “mantra” – I love diversity.

You are part of one of the, if not the largest, religious bodies on this planet – Christianity. Yet within this “faith”, one of both love and punishment, there is much diversity. Not all Presbyterian Christians are alike, but you are certainly different from many Roman Catholics, Orthodox (in many “traditions”) and Anglicans…and then, at the other extreme, from Southern Baptists and Pentecostals.

You all believe (presumably) that I, as the One True God, after many years and adventures with My original Chosen People, the Jews, came to the earth in yet another, and most original way. A virgin girl named Mary was selected by Me to conceive and bear an earth child, Who, more importantly, would be Me, in this “other form.” I, Holy Spirit, had the honor of fathering Me, as Jesus. It could have just happened miraculously (like water into wine?!), but We chose to “use” the earth system in this strange way.

So, let’s see… what does the say about Me, as the One True God(?)… and diversity? I continued to be the One God, Yahweh and the One God, Allah. But I also, in this Christian context, “diversified.” Without losing any of My Power and Stature as God, I WAS also Holy Spirit, a different, diverse manifestation. I then was destined to be fully Me as Jesus, after I reached maturity as a human and after My baptism. Three years later I was crucified (as part of “the Plan”), was dead and buried. Then I arose, was active in the earth again, and, finally, ascended into heaven – BUT – still am here active in the earth. (As I have told you, I did “come down” and become visible to your son, Peter, for a brief but wonderful moment. He was quite a “privileged sinner.”)

It isn’t bothersome to Us to be called different names and to be identified with different traditions, practices, even different Scriptures. In this world of diversity that I have created and do “oversee” there are a number of “contradictions,” but the overriding purpose of these is to meet the spiritual needs of the diverse humans, of which and whom you are a “part.”

Of course I knew, when I started all of this (and when was “this”? – with the first humanoid creatures or with My introducing eternal souls into what were the “animals,” even with developing brain power) that there would have to be diversity, but I wanted this; I wasn’t “forced into it.”

So, there were males and females… and a few homosexuals. There were humans of different skin colors and different sizes. There was, from the “beginning,” a range in brain power and in adaptability. There would be leaders and followers, but it wouldn’t always be clear who was which. The first story in your Old Testament is one of the Woman, Eve, going against My one prohibition, egged on by Me, in the form of Satan. (How’s this for diversity? Where else could Satan have come from, but from Me?) Then came the first murder, egged on by My valuing one son’s tribute to Me over the other’s, and the first punishment. But this was, symbolically, the real origin of human life. Even as I had called for obedience, I wanted more diverse human behavior.

The answer to My Question, in the title (or is it two?), is that in My Omnipotence and Complete, Endless Wisdom I see this earth scene, as it has been and as it is now, with its multiple diversities, as the BEST for the unique spiritual development that can be realized in individual souls.

THURS., AUG. 31, 2000, 2:25 PM

It is about time to begin the writing of another Letter called… Ruminations. You usually are late and scrambling to make Our self-assigned deadline. Now you are a month “ahead,” but if you don’t get this written soon you’ll be “scrambling yet again.

You’ve accepted that the theme should be a kind of continuation of the June Letter… some of My amplification on My “mantra” – I love diversity.

You are part of one of the, if not the largest, religious bodies on this planet – Christianity. Yet within . . .

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