Why Do You Do This?

FRI., JAN. 16, 1986, 6:03 AM

You are here, o son, without a direct call from Me this morning, but from a “pull” that caused you to set the alarm last evening. Doubts have been yours to experience recently, so I thought it best to use this morning meditation to pose and answer this question, “Why do you do this?” It is logical to assume that you could answer the question better than I, but I shall disagree. Instead I attest that I know you better than you know yourself. So heed My answer to My own query.

You have a story to tell of how this meditation practice began, more than six and a half years ago. One of the tenets of any faith… Christianity as an example… is that certain stories should be repeated, for repetition helps to solidify and maintain truth. Human minds, especially in this culture, are bombarded with stimuli, and many of these serve to deny the reality of regular mystical union with Me, the Holy Spirit. The story has details, and I urge you not to forget these, but the essence of it is that I called you, a fairly ordinary university teacher and professor, to spend time with Me, any and every morning, listening to My voice and writing what you hear. Thus you have tangible results of each meditation which may be shared, with caution… better than most meditations, say I.

You now have volumes of these Teachings, and several hundred people have some knowledge of the process and of a bit of the content. There has been no great acclaim to you… and I have told you there must not be such… but no real persecution either. The Teachings shall be troublesome to some, but so, also, are My Holy Scriptures to many. Yet I would have you focus on the fact that many others are helped in some ways by these written meditations, and this is a small service you can help Me render.

Fundamentally, you do this because I will it. Oh, I allow you to exert your will and stay away for a morning… several mornings in a row. But could you be away for a week or more? After a day or so it becomes a battle of wills, and if I want this to continue, I win. If you could comfortably stay away for a week or more it would be evidence that I have ceased to call you. Even with the practice and experience you have had you would not be able to produce Teachings like unto these. There is no way this can be proven by you. You must merely accept it on faith.

As I have told you before, you shall have doubts about these pages and this venture, but be assured that I, as Jesus, had some doubts, even as I “knew” My role and destiny. “The Bible tells you so.” Entertain these, but never succumb to them. Just go back and read some past Teachings and read yet again My discourse in the Gospel of John in which I promise Me. In a small way you are a part of that promise. You can be properly proud of this relationship.

The purpose? Really, there need be no other purpose than I want to do this. Though I have some goals and purposes I am little concerned with time and with particular consequences. I am primarily interested in stimulating spiritual growth and development in souls, in the earth, incarnated and not-so, and in many other realms. This is of help to you in your growth and, in turn, you help others through your own progress. But this is of no cosmic consequence. And yet, mystically, it is, for it is evidence of My active concern with spirits.

FRI., JAN. 16, 1986, 6:03 AM

You are here, o son, without a direct call from Me this morning, but from a “pull” that caused you to set the alarm last evening. Doubts have been yours to experience recently, so I thought it best to use this morning meditation to pose and answer this question, “Why do you do this?” It is logical to assume that you could answer the question better than I, but I shall disagree. Instead I attest that I know you better than you know yourself. So heed My answer to My own . . .

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