Why Don’t I “Do Something!”?

SAT., NOV. 23, 1996, 10:16 AM

Reading, just this morning here in the warm sunshine, of the danger that two scientists see in the future for the diversity of life, you knew I would have some “after-comments”. This article is an instance in which science and My Teachings to you have a common theme: the need to maintain the earth for a few more generations of humans. So… if I want something different from what I’m presently observing in the balance of life… and I do have the power to both change and sustain… why don’t I “do something!”?

Well, you have given Me credit for guiding you, in your earth life journey (this time), to this almost stable-state part of your country, with now over 24 years of residence here on this Farm. You have not taken advantage of all the opportunities that you’ve had, but you have lived rather simply, compared to others with your education and income. I expect you to do some major clean-up work around here in this coming week. As you cut up this trash wood you provide heat for your home and reduce the messy look of your woodlot. Yes, I have guided you to a reasonable variation from affluence.

Of course I see the dangers to which Paul points, and I continue to tell you that this diversity of life is essential for the continuation of human life. But your culture continues to opt for growth, and all that this means in strikes against a healthy, balanced environment. I do love humans, and I continue to allow some excess reproduction, and, as yet, I have not caused or allowed some increase in deaths as a balance… at least in your part of the world.

Occasionally I am “tempted” to just “step back” and let humans do whatever they want to the earth (as some of you, even some Christians, believe I have always done). There would be some survivors, and I could sorta “start over” and see what would happen “next time”.

At other times I feel like intervening, strengthening those who would opt for more simple living and weakening those whose only goal is present comfort and more luxuries. I could do this, and there would be some present suffering, but the earth journey would, finally, be a longer and a better one.

Now I am not going to either extreme. I am involved in earth life, but I am taking no drastic actions or causing any long-term changes. I touch certain spirits, and I enjoy the efforts they make to prolong life here. Yet you wonder about My love for diversity when it allows, even encourages, some servants of Mine to preach and work against birth control and abortion. I freely admit that diversity has its down-sides. I just prefer it to homogeneity, however ideal that might seem (unless, of course, what I decided on would not include you).

( 10:56 AM / 2:29 PM )

I’ll remind you again that the purpose of life here in the earth is spiritual growth and advancement. That can come, for some souls, more fully in tough times, and if the whole panorama of life here is reduced and changed there will be some difficult days. I don’t do much with the world economic “system”, but it should soon be a time of bear market and all that means for many peoples and governments.

I am certainly aware of all that is happening, and I can predict results better than any computer model. So it is not yet time for Me to act in any drastic, dramatic way. Do what you can to maintain the best balance here on this place. Know that I can become a more active “player” in the earth scene at any time. Just be aware of this potential, and you may discern My actions before most others do. Continue to appreciate My Presence, even in conditions that would first be termed evil.

SAT., NOV. 23, 1996, 10:16 AM

Reading, just this morning here in the warm sunshine, of the danger that two scientists see in the future for the diversity of life, you knew I would have some “after-comments”. This article is an instance in which science and My Teachings to you have a common theme: the need to maintain the earth for a few more generations of humans. So… if I want something different from what I’m presently observing in the balance of life… and I do have the power to both change and sustain . . .

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