Why These Teachings?

WED., JULY 30, 1997, 8:40 AM

Even though you are not feeling as positive about life as you usually are you are here, in this secondary place, awaiting a Teaching from Me, Holy Spirit. You’re not even certain how you feel about this “gift”. You enjoy the process, and as you take time to read those from past years, you are pleased with Our relationship. Still, it is not one that is easy to explain to many of your friends, church members, and students… and you do occasionally have doubts about this aspect of your life.

Reading these three letters from John and one from Jude should be reassuring. Why? Because the era and the events thereof have to be known and “factored in” if they are to be as helpful as Scripture is purported to be. Ergo, you are living nearly 2,000 years after John and Jude (whoever they were), in a culture quite different from that of those early Church years. You need some guidance for this time, to complement the general guidance of Scripture. AND you can have just a bit of the feeling that these early Letter writers had… being a strange, even suspicious minority.

I don’t have to warn you about the dangers in being identified as a Christian. There are few when you folks, in your diversity, are dominant in this culture. Yet mystics have always seemed “dangerous”, for they speak and write from knowledge not available to everyone… and from a source that seems improbable, even to other Christians.

These are different times, and though I certainly am in no panic I need a few unlikely servants to hear how I see this era and others to follow. Remember that I speak as Holy Spirit, One with Christ the Lord and Almighty God. In a strict sense this can mean that I speak only to Christians and in Christian terms. I tell you, however, that while I come to you in this accepted, majority context, I can never be limited. Just as I speak in countless languages and styles of writing and speaking I have diverse messages and teachings for the diverse folk I have created and continue to create.

The earth would not be a better place if all of its souls were Christian, in your preferred style. Surprised at such a statement? It was good, in the time of these letters to which I referred earlier, that the Christian Church began and survived attempts to squash it. It is good that it has prospered in these years since and now can be a dominant religion. And it is good that I encourage still others to resist such domination and come forth with still new ways of relating to Me. So, in a sense, I create My own “opposition”, and I enjoy it.

As I’ve told you often, through these years that We have been together, you are not a prophet, nor do you have a mission to start a new religion or an improvement of the one to which you belong. You are just to be faithful to My call to you, and write what your spirit tells you I’m saying. You are to utilize these in the way We have devised… Our Ruminations. When you drop your body or are otherwise unable to continue this response there will be others, like John Patrick, who can carry on with these Teachings. Your current “mess-up” with the retirement system exemplifies that organization and administration are not your strengths. Just do well what you’re called to do.

I have plenty of power, but I use it quite sparingly. Your culture seems, at this time, to be quite a favored one, with a fair amount of lip service to Me, as the Christian Trinity. I am not impressed by your relative affluence, and it will be interesting to see reactions when there is a downturn in prosperity. You have some personal concerns about such a time, still… even as I have assured you that you shall not actually suffer.

WED., JULY 30, 1997, 8:40 AM

Even though you are not feeling as positive about life as you usually are you are here, in this secondary place, awaiting a Teaching from Me, Holy Spirit. You’re not even certain how you feel about this “gift”. You enjoy the process, and as you take time to read those from past years, you are pleased with Our relationship. Still, it is not one that is easy to explain to many of your friends, church members, and students… and you do occasionally have doubts about this aspect of your life . . .

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