Why? You Know…

SAT., AUG. 1, 1998, 10:28 AM

Why do “bad things happen to good people”? You know the answer to this oft-asked question (10:32 / 10:34). It is one of My oft-repeated purposes for life, in the earth and in any of My other realms: in order that spirit might grow and develop.

Now I realize that this isn’t a very satisfactory response in an orthodox Christian setting. What is the purpose of spiritual growth if this is just one life… and then you die… minutes to many years after birth? Isn’t it sufficient that you just accept Me, as Jesus the Christ, and My sacrifice for you, giving grace and therefore a “free pass” into heaven? And those without this acceptance simply spend eternity in hell. A theology sufficient!?

Now let Me first say that this is a possible scenario. It can happen this way. Yet it generally is as incomplete a future as earth life. Instead of one heaven and one hell consider the truth in “in My Father’s house are many mansions”. Most Scripture doesn’t have the great treasure chest of truth that this portion does. There are “mansions” for every level of spiritual growth, and each of you, as you pass on over, will know which is right for you. You will know how well you did in the earth life just lived, will know again the reasons for what you did and what happened to you, and will, with My assistance, assess how and how much your spirit gained… … or lost in the life just over. Then… what comes next? You’re outside of time, so “how long?” (10:54 / 10:56) is of no consequence. Decisions are made. Transitions take place. Life, in the spirit, goes on.

I have told you often… and I’ll say again… that the ultimate spiritual act, in your life journey, that can result only from a fully developed spirit is the giving up of your individuality, your self, and merging back into Me, Holy Spirit. This was symbolized, in a way, by My death, as Jesus, on the cross. Oh, I was nailed there by Roman decision, but I willingly gave up My life to become One, again, with me, the Father, and with Me, the Spirit. (Being able to think mathematically is of no help here!) I was no longer in the grave… in the earth… and yet I was. I gave up My individuality as the incarnate Jesus to rejoin Myself in the “larger” context.

Hence, death is a transition on to other “aspects” of life, in the spirit. What about animals? All forms of life have spirit, for the essence of all realms is spirit. Your dog, Charity, died yesterday, and you were able to be with her, intermittently, during her dying, assuring her that she was loved and appreciated. You didn’t want her to die in a dark corner of your dirty basement (Yes, I notice), so you brought her up to die in the light of day, on the porch. Her spirit moved on, from the painful, hurt body to…? As you come on over yourself you shall understand.

Why her death? You live near a highway in a culture that has fast automobiles. Many times she crossed and recrossed that highway. The earth has its natural hazards… and all of life is not determined. And, again, death is as necessary as life. They are eternally interrelated.

What about free will? You have noted often that the Scriptures have no specific affirmation about such a gift… or curse. The Eden story tells of it symbolically. Humans, initially, wanted only to do My Will. It was boring and “non-growth producing”. I came as the talking snake and urged them toward free will. They took the “challenge”, and earth life, as a realm for spirit growth, began. There would be “losers”, but such were necessary. Human life was not to be “in the Garden”.

And then, in My love of diversity, I tell you to cease, gently, your quests for achievements and contemplate life as you lived it, and as I’ve helped you comprehend it for coming up 20 years. Trust that I will provide for your needs and resist desires for more. Trust that I will continue to teach and guide you.

SAT., AUG. 1, 1998, 10:28 AM

Why do “bad things happen to good people”? You know the answer to this oft-asked question (10:32 / 10:34). It is one of My oft-repeated purposes for life, in the earth and in any of My other realms: in order that spirit might grow and develop.

Now I realize that this isn’t a very satisfactory response in an orthodox Christian setting. What is the purpose of spiritual growth if this is just one life... and then you die... minutes to many years after birth? Isn't it . . .

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