Will Teachings Continue To “Come”?

FRI., JAN. 7, 2000, 7:07 AM

You are here, early in January, of a new century (in time, as your culture calculates it), having a Teaching from Me, your friendly, helpful Holy Spirit. The sun has yet to make an appearance, and two of your kerosene stoves seem to be malfunctioning. You are sneezing again, and the piles of “stuff” around this room are depressing to you. So… Happy New year… and hearken to My thoughts on this winter morning. (This pen is, thus far, a worthy successor to the one that We used for so many years.)

First, I’ll say that the idea of a Ruminations using Teachings from the end of a year and the beginning of the next, in 5 year “spans” throughout our 20 years together, is quite an acceptable one ( 7:20 / 7:24 ). (The pen should perform better now, with a more proper cartridge.) In your preliminary reading of Teachings that you might use you’ve found enough of interest… enough to make a worthy end-of-the-year/century Letter, even as you shall write it just a tad late.

Thus, a New Year has begun, with no great problems or challenges to you, as yet. You suffered no storm damage on this place. I see just the accumulation of “stuff,” and I, with you, would like to see it somewhat neater. You made some progress on this room, but… surprise!?… it now seems to be as cluttered as before. It is a continuing challenge, as your life is now lived.

The pace of your life now is acceptable, even pleasant, for you, with much to keep you “busy,” but with no onerous responsibilities. Duties should continue to diminish, allowing for the establishment of a rhythm to your life than can be sustained, joyfully. You realize that neither your body nor your mind functions as well as they once did. Compensate and adapt as best you can. There shall be no return to the functions you have enjoyed. This is a price that all humans who age must pay. You are no exception… and you are not going to be one of those “exceptional” oldsters, but you should be… oh, above-average, a bit.

Then I’ll say again… as I have before… I shall continue to be with you as the Supreme Teacher (Teacher of the Year, every Year, say I, humbly!), as long as you can still “hear” and write. I like your plan for re-reading of materials from the past, but I also am in favor of your giving priority to regular re-reading of these Teachings, for your appreciation of My counsel and advice to you, personally.

It is interesting to Me that some of what I “taught” certain men, in years past, has become Holy Scripture, while My Teachings to you, some more significant than the “official” (and certainly more “current”), shall never have such acceptance. But keep writing. This is just a special Gift to you. Expect no accolades. Just be faithful to Me and Our “process.”

The Holy Scriptures give stability and continuity to the spiritual life of millions. They cannot be “added to,” even as life has changed dramatically in the past 2,000 years. But I, Holy Spirit, have as much, even more, to say in these times, and so I select certain people, for reasons of My Own, to hear Me, as life goes on. Oh, there may be an end to this relationship with you, but only when you can no longer accurately hear and transcribe what I say to you. That is not yet!

When it is time for you to “come across” you shall leave these, in these original, handwritten, pages and in the computer-printed pages “created” by your son (and Mine) John Patrick. All you must do, as your earth life continues, is be faithful to this now-familiar “process” and to keeping them minimally organized… and to writing Our Ruminations, a Letter based in these Teachings. That’s your continuing “assignment.” Accept it, happily and proudly.

FRI., JAN. 7, 2000, 7:07 AM

You are here, early in January, of a new century (in time, as your culture calculates it), having a Teaching from Me, your friendly, helpful Holy Spirit. The sun has yet to make an appearance, and two of your kerosene stoves seem to be malfunctioning. You are sneezing again, and the piles of “stuff” around this room are depressing to you. So… Happy New year… and hearken to My thoughts on this winter morning. (This pen is, thus far, a worthy successor to the one that We used for so many . . .

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