Win Some… Lose Some

SAT., FEB. 15, 1997, 8:02 AM

Earth life is rarely all positive or all negative. Most of you have both joys and sorrows at different times and in different circumstances. Your life, as Bob Russell, certainly has been mostly positive and successful, and you’re quite aware of this. And I have counseled you, concerning this, that you are never to resent any setbacks, for you have had “so much”. Let’s compare two of this week’s happenings.

Last evening you traveled north and east to a church in a small town to help celebrate an unusual wedding. Karen and John were what could be called “mature students”, first in the Alcohol and Drug class, and then in the summer version of Death Education. Each has had troubles in life, but your classes seemed to help in the resolution of feelings that hung on. They felt love for each other and decided to marry… and you were one of the first invited guests.

This is just another incident that says that your life as a teacher has been successful from My perspective which is, of course, the spiritual. From the very beginning your calling was not to teach subject matter, but to influence lives. You had your fling at coaching, and though you weren’t as successful as you wanted to be (in football) you did influence lives, on the field and in the classroom.

Stanford was a nice “interlude” (though you did have some influences there)… a means for you to come here, where I wanted you to be for most of your career. Oh, you haven’t “touched” every student who has come to you for learning, but you have had more than “your share” among teachers. I have not called you outstanding, but certainly see you as above average in teaching as I want to see it happen.

And then My title includes “lose some”. This is part of earth life, but for you, this time, there are so few “losses” that you should appreciate these. You have had a healthy body, coordinated well enough to achieve some athletic success, leading to coaching… which then led you here, if not directly. Now beginning your 8th decade there are imperfections, including cancer. Why has your body turned upon itself? As you ask this I want you to appreciate that you haven’t suffered as your sister has… from a body punishing in such a cruel way as rheumatoid arthritis. And I want you to appreciate also that you have benefited from this culture that has produced many products of value, but also waste by-products which have encouraged the growth of cancers. Win some… lose some. Karma is a law, even for you Christians.

( 8:40 / 12:24 )

Fundamentally, I want you to focus on positive life, the glory of each day, with potentials, opportunities, and rewards. Put little time, attention, and resources into just extending life. Live it! Aid your body in adapting to threats, but don’t fall back into an adversarial perspective. Seek balance, not total victory. Your vigor, at this time in your life, comes more from spirit than from the physical body. Spiritual power and spiritual growth will be more effective than invasive medical procedures.

Your major motivation now is to complete this final full-time semester’s classes with dedication and joy. Then comes the summer classes, followed by respite. Then you can consider any medical alternatives.

SAT., FEB. 15, 1997, 8:02 AM

Earth life is rarely all positive or all negative. Most of you have both joys and sorrows at different times and in different circumstances. Your life, as Bob Russell, certainly has been mostly positive and successful, and you’re quite aware of this. And I have counseled you, concerning this, that you are never to resent any setbacks, for you have had “so much”. Let’s compare two of this week’s happenings.

Last evening you traveled north and east to a church in a small town to help celebrate an . . .

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