Wind In My World

TUES., DEC. 23, 1986, 6:09 AM

The major characteristic of this early morning on this island is wind. In the part of My world in which you live you do not often experience wind like this during the early hours of the day. So to show you how adaptable I am, I offer a Teaching on wind.

Wind is movement of the air. Air is an absolute necessity for human and animal life. Symbolically, then, that which is most necessary must be in movement. The air from one place must move on to another, showing continuing relationship between one place and another. From whence does the air in this wind come? Has it come forth from plants on some other island… or from those on the mainland… or perhaps from plants in the sea itself? You can just assume that as the wind blows you are receiving the life-sustaining power of air from many places in which you have not even been.

Wind is one of the symbols for spirit. Spirit is even more essential than air, and it, too, moves from person to person and from place to place. And there are many instances in which spirit moves with the intensity of the wind that you feel here now. In an actual experience… in a letter… in a movie or television story… you may experience spirit as a blowing force, discernible as you feel it yourself and as it affects the people and environment around you. You feel the movement of air on your body. You see the trees and bushes move. And you hear the sound that this movement makes. These are the evidences of wind. In comparable ways you can be aware of and appreciate spirit as it “blows.”

Wind disperses and drives away the waste that is put into the air in any place. Yet it obviously must blow it to someplace. Thus a wind may bring, along with the life enhancing oxygen, waste and pollution from some other environ. In like fashions there can be bad and unhealthy spirit that can spread into a place or situation. Wind is not always a positive force, and neither is spirit.

As you know, though vaguely, wind is a result of differing temperatures of air. Hence the interaction of masses of air with differing temperatures produces wind. The fundamental ingredient is air, and the source of the heat that raises the temperature of some air masses is the sun. Because of the turning and tilting of the earth, and because of the placement of land masses, some places are warmer than others, which means that there is always the potential for wind. This is as I created this world. It is perfect by definition because I created it. Wind may be uncomfortable or inconvenient… even destructive… but know that it is a natural aspect of My perfect creation.

Spirit is the fundamental essence of life. I am the source of spirit, but, like unto the sun, I do not warm and energize equally. Some feel My Spirit with great heat, and this causes a kind of wind among those who “are in the shade.”

Just as you know that cold is merely the absence of warmth, so know that bad and destructive spirits represent only the relative absence of Me. There is no true countering spirit, just as there is no counter force to the sun.

TUES., DEC. 23, 1986, 6:09 AM

The major characteristic of this early morning on this island is wind. In the part of My world in which you live you do not often experience wind like this during the early hours of the day. So to show you how adaptable I am, I offer a Teaching on wind.

Wind is movement of the air. Air is an absolute necessity for human and animal life. Symbolically, then, that which is most necessary must be in movement. The air from one place must move on to another, showing continuing . . .

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