Window To “Spirit”

THURS., MAY 4, 2000, 9:03 PM

You heard it, o son, even as you were not clear what it means. So I’ll tell you in short terms, but won’t stop there… for this is a Teaching, requiring more of both of us. These “tapings” that you and son John Patrick are doing are a unique way of bringing you back to these Teachings that I, Holy Spirit have given to you for over 20 years. Occasionally you have re-read what you have written as coming from Me, but now this “exercise” is forcing you back to themes, topics, and “what kind of a ‘treasure’ do you have here?”

The title says it… it… this whole mass of Teachings, in these many books… is a window to the spirit world and to Me, the One Who knows it best. You have had glimpses before, but now you must realize the uniqueness that is in these two plus file drawers.

You are quite aware that the cancer you are “harboring” may well cause your bodily death, but it should… must… have no power over your spirit. You have been assured that when it is your time to “come across” that it will be quite a marvelous experience… and you almost now accept that you have done this “before”.

The Teachings are a Guide to the life you have lived, now in retrospect, and to what lies ahead. They urge you in several diverse ways to be aware of and appreciate how your life has been, and they offer guidance on how you are to live these last years, as “fully Conscious” as you can be. Very few humans have such a companion, as I Am to you, in the final years of earth life.

Now Lenore… and others who may hear you read these words or tell what I have said to you… may be uncomfortable with this quite open way of anticipating the end of this earth life. As I’ve told you several times, I still am surprised (yes, I can be at least something like “surprised”) at how good Christians (Americans) can try to avoid or postpone what you call death. Oh, I realize that in My love for diversity I have allowed, even encouraged, some Christians (and denominations) to see the end of an earth life as a time of singular judgment, with no clear sense of how sins and loving acts will be “evaluated”, and “what happens next?”

Hear Me, yet again, as I tell you that the essence of life is spirit, and the only real assessment and judgment will be – what has happened to your spirit in this life… and, mainly, how has it grown and developed? That’s really all that this earth portion of life is about, but, as you live it it seems so much more complex. I realize that you are a well-educated American, and this is hard to “counter”. There is so much that seems “real”, which doesn’t seem consistent with what I tell you. But you have this “window”, and I say, “Open it… wider!”

Let these Teachings urge and guide you to see life as a great adventure, and its “end”, as the person you are now, will be a grand part of that adventure. Don’t try to avoid it… but seek the best balance – of appreciating the events of life without “hanging on” to it, selfishly.

But shouldn’t you be “selfish” about prolonging this earth life? It’s the only one you really know about. Can you really trust that life does continue, in spirit (that which persists), and that it shall be “better” than continuing earth life, with increasing “losses”? I, of course, say Yes! Trust! Be ready to give up something good (and you are quite positive, through your contemplation, that this has been a truly fine life) for that which is truly better. And accept that My Teachings to you are that window, open to continuing active life, in some “spirit form”.

Will you come back to earth again, in some “form”? That hasn’t been determined yet, and you’ll have some “input” on that, but you’ll have to check the “alternatives” before your spirit can judge. Earth is a unique “site” for possible spirit maturation, but there are other realms, each with certain advantages.

THURS., MAY 4, 2000, 9:03 PM

You heard it, o son, even as you were not clear what it means. So I’ll tell you in short terms, but won’t stop there… for this is a Teaching, requiring more of both of us. These “tapings” that you and son John Patrick are doing are a unique way of bringing you back to these Teachings that I, Holy Spirit have given to you for over 20 years. Occasionally you have re-read what you have written as coming from Me, but now this “exercise” is forcing you . . .

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