Winter… A “Form” Of Life

SAT., JAN. 22, 2000, 2:40 PM

You look out at the trees that surround this old Farmhouse, and you see little that represents life. Oh, the trees are upright and the branches are “as they should be,” but it is hard, in this season to distinguish a live tree from a dead one. You look over your shoulder, and you can see the trunk of the partially uprooted tree that you presently are cutting for firewood. It burns wonderfully. It once was a fine tree. Now it provides warmth and cheer as it burns in your fireplace.

You recognize that you, now, are entering the winter of this life as Bob Russell. You look out at the first snowfall of this season, and last week was “shirt-sleeve” weather. So it is not likely to be a long season of winter. How long will this winter season of your life be? There is no immediate threat, and I still say… you’ll live as long as I want you to. How long is that? It’s only important for you to know that, for this life of yours, it is winter. But there is no direct connection between the time – the days, weeks, and months of this winter season and the rest of your earth life. The relationship is just symbolic… which is another form of reality.

Though your capacity to recall details of your childhood years ebbs, you still have strong recollections of that Spring season of your life. It involved fun in a neighborhood of children, success in school, being an active member of competitive athletic teams, coaching and teaching. Then came your marriage to Lenore and your doctoral work, and Spring was merging into Summer. Now you were an assistant professor at a prestige school, followed by promotion as you moved here to Southern Illinois. You were father to 5 sons, and they were moving into their teen years. You were busy in many ways, but you had good health and great energy. It was a season of some frustrations but also much pleasure.

Then one by one the sons moved on, and you were established as a full, tenured professor. You had begun to hear Me and to write down these Teachings in your late Summer, and this continued as you made an easy transition into the Autumn of Fall of your life. You were active professionally and fairly well known in your field. You were one who introduced the Spiritual as a legitimate dimension of health. Your life became established on this Farm, and you shared aspects of this semi-rural life with many of your students.

You knew your active career would be over soon as you moved through your 60’s. Yes, you could feel Fall giving way to Winter. You did it “just right.” At age 71, with 48 years of teaching (I’ll accept your way of counting), you went onto the long, slow “off-ramp.” The Winter season of your life has been pleasant and mostly pain-free, not unlike (symbolically) the early winter season here. You still have your small office, and it will be hard to give that up, but you know that will come, sometime soon. Invitations to speak and teach are fewer, and this is now more acceptable to you. You are into the Winter of your life with good spirit and acceptance.

You can name and describe the losses you have, actual and “coming on.” You know that, for a person your age, Winter can be a hard, uncomfortable season. In contrast to son Peter, who was still in late Spring when he came across, and to Michael, who was in his early Fall, you have moved, gently and appreciatively into Winter. And you remember your parents, who had Winters that were too long and unpleasant. You are having the opportunity to experience a longer Winter, with appreciation for it, as a season.

SAT., JAN. 22, 2000, 2:40 PM

You look out at the trees that surround this old Farmhouse, and you see little that represents life. Oh, the trees are upright and the branches are “as they should be,” but it is hard, in this season to distinguish a live tree from a dead one. You look over your shoulder, and you can see the trunk of the partially uprooted tree that you presently are cutting for firewood. It burns wonderfully. It once was a fine tree. Now it provides warmth and cheer as it burns in your fireplace . . .

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