… With The Emphasis On Life

FRI., JUNE 27, 1997, 6:41 AM

This has been a difficult week for you in giving time to Me… hearing Me. I realize the stress you’re feeling and the slowness in accomplishment, but I don’t want you to forget your priority in life. Life is fundamentally spirit, and I am the Wellspring of Spirit. I have chosen to come to you… as often as you come to Me. Oh, I can still influence you without these actual Teachings, but these are so tangible, so available for re-reading. (You profited from this on your Hawaii trip, along with the “originals” that came to you, more often than usual.)

But here you are this morning, and I have some thoughts for you concerning the class ahead, the next-to-last time you’ll have this opportunity. While it is a class called Death Education I want it presented… with an emphasis on life. From My perspective, as the Creator and Sustainer of the whole interplay of life on this small planet AND as the Spirit from which all spirit comes and to which all spirit returns, I tell you that life and death are not opposites, the general perception of your culture… even among many Christians. Rather life and death are complementary, with the yin/yang symbol being an appropriate one.

Even the story of My death, as Jesus, which you revisit each Lenten and Easter season, is a mystical one, when you consider life and death as opposites. There is emphasis on My death… “He died”… and was put into a tomb. But… up from the grave He arose… I was back, as some combination of live human and visible spirit. The story tells that I still had the nail holes and the wound in My side. This was My dramatic and symbolic way of telling My disciples then… and all of you now… that bodily death is not the opposite of life, but merely another “form” of life.

It is somewhat like going through a door, from “one garden to another”. Instead of the perception that this is a one-way door, and that it only opens and shuts once, I encourage you to see it as a door that opens both ways, a way from one form of life to another. One is not “better” than the other (actually “the others”), but is just different. Some of you are quite reluctant to give up bodily life in the earth, because it is familiar, and you’re not sure about what “the other” is like.

Remember the story, Forever, which was your mystical introduction to this concept of life and death. In it the two main characters, Kevin and Julie, met before they were “born”, and promised each other they would meet again “in life”. At birth, one came slowly and reluctantly, not wanting to leave, while the other was “born” very quickly, as if she wanted to get into this earth life experience fast. At the other “end of life” some people die quickly and easily, while others linger, holding on to this life, as if it is all. Your medical culture explains this in physical terms, but it is much more a matter of spirit, with a desire of spirit to remain or to travel on. Motives for such differences also are quite diverse.

In the ecological perspective, which, again, I don’t see as antithetical to a spiritual one, but more like a complement, death is necessary for life to continue. In a few months the leaves from this tree in front of you will fall, as dead leaves, but they shall eventually nurture new life, in this tree or in others. Old folks die, and babies are born. Your culture is trying out the premise that death should be postponed, quite unrelated to new births. It is not a good premise, overall, say I.

FRI., JUNE 27, 1997, 6:41 AM

This has been a difficult week for you in giving time to Me… hearing Me. I realize the stress you’re feeling and the slowness in accomplishment, but I don’t want you to forget your priority in life. Life is fundamentally spirit, and I am the Wellspring of Spirit. I have chosen to come to you… as often as you come to Me. Oh, I can still influence you without these actual Teachings, but these are so tangible, so available for re-reading. (You profited from this on your Hawaii . . .

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