Without Me?

FRI., FEB. 19, 1993, 6:53 AM

The power of God. The influence of God. The justice and mercy of God. These are a fundamental part of this earth scene, and so this morning, in a cool room, I’ll offer you some thoughts on what if these weren’t so… including, of course, the love of God.

Let’s just suppose that I were not the Creator, and that this earth and all that is therein did evolve in a completely naturalistic way. It is hard enough to imagine all of the structures evolving, with all of the necessary interacting systems, but to say that human intelligence and a sense of natural law and ethics… right and wrong… could develop unaided is more improbable. Yet We’ll imagine it was so.

Human intelligence tends to be selfish. The rational mind recommends actions that will benefit self or one’s group, at the expense of others. Officially I shall not be part of the struggle that will ensue over the next weeks or months, between your Congress and your President, over the program proposed. The President called for a consideration of what is best for the country, and yet special interest groups and Congress members wanting to be elected by selfish people will work hard to prevent the passage. This is democracy in action, an acceptable form of government, but without My influence in the lives of important individuals it would be “survival of the fittest”… the strong dominating the weak and the meek, and then fighting among themselves.

There are instances of this in the earth today, even with My influence. Bosnia and ethnic cleansing… rival armed clan groups in Somalia… those with and those without in South Central Los Angeles… these and more would be raging, unsolvable conflicts if I weren’t here in the hearts of some. As Jesus I said that the meek shall inherit the earth, but without My love and mercy the meek could never survive. I have allowed hate and anger. I have “sponsored” love, mercy, compassion, and caring for others, less fortunate and less able.

I tell you that I interfere seldom in the actions and working of the earth scene, but I do work mightily in human lives, and many whom I influence are the peacemakers and those who will sacrifice for the benefit of others. Certainly I work in the lives of born-again Christians and others who accept Me as the Christ, but I am not selfish. I do not limit My influence to those of My favorite religion, even as My Holy Scriptures tend to suggest this. If this were so I would be like unto some Bosnian Serbs who are dedicated to suppressing all but their “own kind.” I just choose to influence many non-Christians, using My adaptation skills to achieve some success.

FRI., FEB. 19, 1993, 6:53 AM

The power of God. The influence of God. The justice and mercy of God. These are a fundamental part of this earth scene, and so this morning, in a cool room, I’ll offer you some thoughts on what if these weren’t so… including, of course, the love of God.

Let’s just suppose that I were not the Creator, and that this earth and all that is therein did evolve in a completely naturalistic way. It is hard enough to imagine all of the structures evolving, with all of . . .

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