
WED., OCT. 4, 1989, 6:45 AM

Women are the adult females of the human species. Women are generally different from men in some ways, and yet, as you have observed, there is a distinct overlap, so that all men are not unlike all women. Male and female I created them, for reproductive purposes, as complements one to the other, and for fun. Hear what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about women in this last portion of the 20th century, after My birth as Jesus.

The Holy Scriptures have some good things to say about women, but the Scriptures also had to have a cultural context and that one had women as basically subservient to men. The fundamental spiritual message should be: in Christ there is no male nor female… though I would prefer: in Christ there is the fullness of male and female. In spirit there is no sexual superiority, because, ultimately, in spirit, there is no gender, no sexuality.

Now, that still is a bit confused, but the wonderful thing about these Teachings is that I can correct or amend what you write – immediately or sometime later. (I still call on you not to edit these, except for minor punctuation. I want each to remain, in original (7:18 / 7:59) form, as you have heard them.) When you are in the earth as an incarnate human with a body you are male or female, according to sex organs and hormone balances. Also you are a spirit, and though that must dwell in a body with an identified sex, it has characteristics of both… or neither.

As Jesus I was the ultimate human, but I had to have a sex, so I was a man. I could have been a woman and satisfied My spiritual calling, but I wouldn’t have fit into the culture that I, as Almighty God, had chosen for this gift. So I was a man, and I chose men for My disciples. You can imagine the difficulties of trying to move around as we did with both men and women as disciples, unmarried to one another. I would have preferred to have some women in the inner circle, but it just wasn’t possible.

One of My best teachings was to the Samaritan woman at the well, where I taught that I am the living water, and she who drinks of Me shall never thirst again. Mary Magdalene was a special friend and, I would say, an unofficial disciple. It’s unfortunate that she didn’t write a Gospel account. It would have been a source of truth, but also of controversy. And it was not culturally possible.

Now, in your culture, women can be ordained, can preach the Gospel message, and can perform the sacraments and the other rituals of the Church. Conducting the ecumenical service last Sunday were three women ministers, among the men. I am pleased with this development, even as it cannot happen in some portions of My Body, the Church nor in other religious traditions.

I shall comment on your theory about the subservient roles of women in less developed cultures. When warfare required physical strength men were most logical to be the warriors. Also, the perpetuation of the clan, tribe, or people was ultimately the woman’s responsibility, so the warriors needed to protect their women. As women were pregnant they tended to need more protection and help. Out of this context the male came to dominance, even as he realized the value of the women.

I have worked My will in many cultures, with women having many different roles and places. I like what is happening in your culture in relation to the equality of men and women, but it is not necessary for My will and way. I can still work quite effectively where women are seen as lowly and inferior. Remember My teaching about the last shall be first.

WED., OCT. 4, 1989, 6:45 AM

Women are the adult females of the human species. Women are generally different from men in some ways, and yet, as you have observed, there is a distinct overlap, so that all men are not unlike all women. Male and female I created them, for reproductive purposes, as complements one to the other, and for fun. Hear what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about women in this last portion of the 20th century, after My birth as Jesus.

The Holy Scriptures have some good things to say about women . . .

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