World Hunger

SUN., APR. 16, 1989, 6:21 AM

Lenore’s “big push” is over. The “hunger sale” was a success as many people in the community exchanged items, and money accumulated. Thus the means for dealing with the hunger of some in this community are provided for this year. But what of world hunger… the fact that too many humans alive on this planet today are genuinely hungry now and shall be all of this day? Hear, o son, as I offer insights about this anomaly.

As you read repeatedly there is sufficient food for all people, but food is not free and some, like those in your dominant culture, have lavish tastes and waste much in the way of nutrients. Human institutions and desire to “make a living” are prime factors in the cause of hunger. Then there are those who live where the land can no longer produce food, and there is no obvious place to which they can move. Oh, there is a general movement toward apparently prosperous regions, but these are often cities, which may not be either a short or a long-term solution.

Therefore governments and other institutions must help, and, fundamentally, people must have compassion for those who are hungry and must apply this compassion in some practical ways. Most of those who donated for yesterday’s sale, and who purchased at it felt little compassion for those who are hungry, but the effect shall be as if they did.

The Scriptures tell of My providing manna for the Hebrew people as they wandered in the desert wilderness, an environment that provided insufficient food for such a nation. If I wanted them to be in that wilderness for all of those years and not perish as a people I had to provide some fundamental food. There are a few instances in which I do something similar in these times, but not on such a scale. A few will fervently attest that I have actually provided food for them, but rarely in the flambuoyant miraculous way of the manna.

I am concerned about hunger, but I act mostly through people who serve Me through helping others. That is My best “style”, and it pleases Me when it works well. I have many dedicated servants, who see Me in a wide variety of ways. I tell you that the Christian way is My favored way, with the Christ spirit, as manifested by Me as Jesus, in the earth at one time and now eternally, being the means. Do I speak differently to other humans? Obviously, but this shall not be of concern to you.

You also know that I have told you that the balance of humans and other forms of life, which includes food sources, is not as I would have it. The increase must diminish and actual numbers be reduced. Yet how can this happen without undue suffering? I have no easy answer to this. There was no easy way to give the “land of milk and honey” to the Hebrews without many other people suffering and dying. Accomplishing a goal with suffering is not My favorite “work” but sometimes it is necessary. Actually several ways of reducing world population are now “in place” and commencing. There is nothing greatly dramatic, but… you shall see.

My other concern is to reduce the desires for affluent living that is another imbalance of importance. Too many people who have means beyond their needs spend excessively upon themselves rather than sharing with those who have little. I continuously remind you of this obligation. Take care of your needs, but be cautious about expanding these. Provide for your children but also urge them to share their means with others less fortunate.

SUN., APR. 16, 1989, 6:21 AM

Lenore’s “big push” is over. The “hunger sale” was a success as many people in the community exchanged items, and money accumulated. Thus the means for dealing with the hunger of some in this community are provided for this year. But what of world hunger… the fact that too many humans alive on this planet today are genuinely hungry now and shall be all of this day? Hear, o son, as I offer insights about this anomaly.

As you read repeatedly there is sufficient food for all people, but food . . .

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