World Hunger

SAT., APR. 10, 1999, 9:41 AM

The big “sale” going on now, organized and operated by Church women, is to raise money to counter hunger, in this community, this nation, on this earth. For, yes, on this day a number of people are hungry, and a few will die from lack of food. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about this condition, in the lives of some humans?

First, it is clear that food is not “distributed” in any equal fashion. There is much food in that kitchen that Lenore is “honcho-ing,” but it goes to those who will pay… in order that there will be more money to provide food… for those who have insufficient money. In your culture much food is wasted, but that’s one of the “privileges” of affluence. You are a bit embarrassed to be “rescuing” good food from dumpsters, but such is enjoyed by your rabbits and… soon… chickens… and it just seems wrong to let good nutrients go to the dump.

Even in this affluent land there are hungry people. There is no ideal way to “distribute” money and food so that no one goes hungry. Your government has ( 9:54 / 9:58 ) a role, and there certainly is a role for “people helping people,” individually and through groups… like CWU. In less affluent countries, there is usually plenty in the midst of want, but those who are poor have much less, insufficient for the life of some.

I did say “feed the hungry,” as Jesus, but I also said, “to him who hath shall more be given, and from him who has little, even what he has shall be taken away.” In My love for diversity I have willed that some humans – physically, intellectually, emotionally, and/or socially – are not truly capable of providing for themselves. Some areas of land produce less food than is needed. It takes money, and land, to produce food. Weather conditions may encourage plant and animal growth… or may destroy such. In My “big picture” there is competition among many forms of life – between humans and microorganisms, between different groups of humans…

Finally, as you expected I would say, there are almost too many people for the land areas of earth… and… too much desire to have luxuries beyond food, drink, and shelter. It is truth that the strong are the most likely to survive and prosper, but who is “strong” depends on what the threats are. As a culture has wealth & means… plus “heart”… it can help many of the weak survive, so it is not completely predictable who lives and who dies. (You see, a plant in a small container cannot prosper, or even survive without water provided by you. And one of these other potted plants seems to be thriving again, while the other appears to be dying.)

You have land that could grow much more food than it typically does. Why is this? Because you have not been willing to plant and tend in the proper seasons. You don’t have to produce food, so you are far from self-sufficient in this way. What will the future bring?

There is no clear “solution” to the “problem” of world hunger. If there is more food there will be more people. More people require more food. My, My. You see this is not a “problem” that I can “solve” supernaturally. The Scriptures tell that I once provided “manna from heaven” so that My chosen people, the Jews, would not perish. It was nutritious, plentiful, and free, but they soon tired of it, wanting more variety. Of course… I could do that again, but I’d rather encourage humans to help humans… and I do like the interpretation by old Dr. Goodspeed on the feeding of the 5,000 – that it was human generosity rather than “holy welfare” that provided the necessary food.

When food is scarce the young and the old are the most likely to die, those who are “weak” in relation to food metabolism and other bodily adaptations. This is as it should be, in the “Big Picture” I see. It is often quite a worthwhile spiritual experience to suffer from hunger and die from insufficient intake. Or… it can be a “lost opportunity.”

SAT., APR. 10, 1999, 9:41 AM

The big “sale” going on now, organized and operated by Church women, is to raise money to counter hunger, in this community, this nation, on this earth. For, yes, on this day a number of people are hungry, and a few will die from lack of food. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about this condition, in the lives of some humans?

First, it is clear that food is not “distributed” in any equal fashion. There is much food in that kitchen that Lenore is “honcho-ing,” but . . .

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