World View Of The Holy Spirit

WED., JAN. 22, 1986, 6:27 AM

Your lecture yesterday described the present world view of the industrialized portion of humankind. It was presented fairly well, along with a brief look at earlier world views. Doesn’t this make you want to hear My world view? Your enthusiasm and attention are not impressive. But you shall listen and hear.

I, the Holy Spirit, do have a world view, which is based in the stories of Holy Scripture and which relates to the reality of the present time. It must include the industrialization and the computerization of your world but also the lives of many who are outside of these “efficiencies,” by chance, circumstance, or choice. Does My world view change? No… and yes. There is a certain anchoring in unchanging truth and also a certain recognition of the current state of affairs.

My world view begins with One God, both force and personality, who created this system and this one planet, Earth, as a “home” for many forms of life but especially for human creatures in which reside immortal souls. Yet I created what I created in ways that can be studied… and I created the inquiring and systematic mind, so that science, technology, and industry could develop. For everything there is a season is a Scriptural truth, which is part of My world view. There was a time for pessimism about life, and for an unenthusiastic, resigned attitude. You have lived in a time of hope, enthusiasm, high energy, and yet sadness that the great abundance of the world has to promote strife more than cooperation. This, too, shall change, for My world view is that different eras are desirable. In the earth there shall be little perfection, so each “time” has defects that lead on to another.

Most basically, of course, My world view is that the earth is a unique and wonderful place for the growth and development of spirit. This can happen in many different settings… in prosperity and in poverty, in joy and in despair, in ignorance as well as in the fullness of knowledge, in industrial splendor ad in tranquil simplicity… and in all shades between these extremes. (Finish this first!)

There are consequences to all that humans do, but there also is both justice and mercy active in the world, so that consequences are not always even, certain, and predictable. The world is predictable enough to make science possible, but not predictable enough to let science be a universal, acceptable God. (Go do your investigation.)

7:19 AM / 7:36

There are limits to what can be done in the earth. There are limits to the number of humans who should be in the earth, and when these limits are reached there will be a reduction in life. Correspondingly, there are limits on the affluence and luxury that can be selfishly displayed, and some rebalancing shall surely come.

Yet there are no practical limits on spirit, and it is a pleasure for Me to observe spirits developing in this environment that indicates so clearly the reality of matter. Energy appears as matter, and spirits appear as humans, with a wide range of imperfections. Energy is the basis of earth life. Spirit is the basis of ultimate life. Interesting parallels exist between energy and spirit. The difference, as I have told you, is that there is no entropy in spirit; there is no limit to the growth of spirit.

WED., JAN. 22, 1986, 6:27 AM

Your lecture yesterday described the present world view of the industrialized portion of humankind. It was presented fairly well, along with a brief look at earlier world views. Doesn’t this make you want to hear My world view? Your enthusiasm and attention are not impressive. But you shall listen and hear.

I, the Holy Spirit, do have a world view, which is based in the stories of Holy Scripture and which relates to the reality of the present time. It must include the industrialization and the computerization of your world . . .

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