Worrisome Thoughts

FRI., SEPT. 3, 1993, 7:00 AM

A slow start is what you are experiencing on this drippy morning. The rain has come and soaked the parched earth, and after a full night’s sleep you are here… but fighting some worrisome thoughts. This makes you struggle for a theme, so I’ll suggest that with which you are battling – the worrisome thoughts.

The dominant ones are about a place to stay when you attend the convention toward the end of next month. Some arrangement for that is obviously something you should have arranged some months ago… but you didn’t. You must work from the present. Contact your two best possibilities and move ahead. The most worrisome thoughts are about situations that develop out of carelessness or sloth. You are approaching a point where conventions are not as exciting as they have been in past years. So now the thought of missing another one is not really as worrisome as the arrangements for housing. I urge you to get cracking on this right away.

Worrisome thoughts are a part of responsible earth life, but, naturally, I urge you to have as few of them as possible. The thoughts originate in the rational mind, but the nature of them raises some negative emotions, including lowered feelings about yourself. This means that your spirit is being pushed down, and that’s when I become concerned.

Your mind is certainly useful. It is a marvelous creation… within a creation. I am justly proud of this complex creation, of which your knowledge is quite superficial. Yet even those with fine minds and top scientific training plus experience still understand only dimly how a mind “works,” particularly in concert with emotions and your spirit. The brain can be studied carefully, but this study can give only a partial picture of how the mind works.

The film you watched last night built on the rationally absurd premise that if you concentrated on a happy thought your body could fly. This is an exaggeration, but of My premise that when thoughts, emotions, and spirit are all positive (even happy) the body functions in marvelous ways, even overcoming physical ills and anomalies. Worrisome thoughts, like those that Peter had as a high-powered attorney, prevent one not only from flying but from doing and saying what is most important. Your worrisome thoughts could have prevented your experiencing this Teaching (and that would have been more than worrisome), except that I am faithful to Our process, and I can override such thoughts… and come to you in spite of your apparent unreadiness.

Your worrisome thoughts about money, which your mind generated for most of the years of your young family’s life, are now few. A few do remain, vestigially, from those times when money always seemed insufficient, and bills accumulated. I have assured you that I was watching over you then, and continue to bless you with even some excess, which I call on you to distribute, as you see needs. It is somewhat worrisome to have so many calls for your excess., from sons and from the variety of organizations and causes to which you have contributed. My suggestion continues to be – let your spirit decide, and when you have decided, and given, have no worrisome thoughts about what you’ve done.

FRI., SEPT. 3, 1993, 7:00 AM

A slow start is what you are experiencing on this drippy morning. The rain has come and soaked the parched earth, and after a full night’s sleep you are here… but fighting some worrisome thoughts. This makes you struggle for a theme, so I’ll suggest that with which you are battling – the worrisome thoughts.

The dominant ones are about a place to stay when you attend the convention toward the end of next month. Some arrangement for that is obviously something you should have arranged some months ago… but . . .

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