
JUNE 8, 1979, 6:20 AM

I told you, o son, that yesterday you would write, and that is what you did. It was hard going at first, but then you began to feel the rhythm, and you did well through the latter part. You don’t yet have the readers clearly in mind, so it will need some polishing, but you finally did what you should have been doing for some time. Even though it takes some time to pick up the “flow” as you write, I want you to try to write some each day (beyond this, of course), rather than leaving it to one or two long days. It is not a required discipline but I suggest it strongly, and if you try it you’ll find that it will make you more efficient.

I have told you, within this month, o lad, that to write is your service to Me. This book is an exercise, and I want you to do it well, but it is of no great consequence. I want you to write in answer to your nomination onto the elementary project but I have not purposed that one way or the other yet. It might be a good means to an end, but it is not part of My plan. If you are accepted, fulfill your responsibilities well; if you are not invited, fret and ponder not. It would be because the things I would have you do become more critical, and that I would want these more strongly.

You feel, in your being, the difference between the writing that you do with Me here, and this other. What we do is flowing… is an opening process. Doing the other you feel a restriction, a binding… and it becomes more mechanical. Still it is part of the rhythm I want you to feel in your writing. Some is for me, and it shall flow as it flows… its integrity is sweet and pure because it is Ours. But some must be for others, and you must learn better how to please them.

You worry over the segments that must be excised, and you don’t glory in what is retained. You want everything your way. It shall not be so with editors nor with Me.

Humility and confidence are part of the same rhythm. It is good that you write and are proud of what is produced. But it is also good that your humility be exercised, and that you and the editors come to accord. (The spiritual paragraph in the letter is not important. Go ahead and retain it, just on principle, but it is not important enough to fight for. It is a good exercise in rhythm… that’s enough.)

I shall not yet reveal what you shall write to fulfill My main purposes. You are not yet ready, but the things you are doing are all right preparation. It shall be exciting. You should anticipate it mightily. But it is not yet to be. Feel the rhythm as you both look for clues and discover them. Be not singleminded in this pursuit, however, for it is not yet available. I shall direct you, so don’t worry that you will miss it.

JUNE 8, 1979, 6:20 AM

I told you, o son, that yesterday you would write, and that is what you did. It was hard going at first, but then you began to feel the rhythm, and you did well through the latter part. You don’t yet have the readers clearly in mind, so it will need some polishing, but you finally did what you should have been doing for some time. Even though it takes some time to pick up the “flow” as you write, I want you to try to write some each day (beyond this, of . . .

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