Write Those Letters!

SAT., JULY 14, 1984, 2:36 PM

You come on this hot afternoon for a communication from Me, the Holy Spirit. This is not the most desirable time, and you surely shall have some interruptions, but it shall be a test of your capacity to hear Me under non-ideal circumstances. As the title suggests, I shall recommend strongly that you establish a discipline of writing letters during this relatively easy summer period, for this is both a responsibility and an opportunity that I urge upon you.

The letter is a most special form of communication (I have told you this before, so I repeat for emphasis.) It can include most of the intimacy of a phone call or a conversation, and it can be reread, enjoyed, and appreciated in different settings, moods, and circumstances. It also can be read by more than one person… and, having sent a letter, the writer really cannot know or control who will read it. This obviously is one of the advantages of the letter, but also one of the negative aspects.

Letters need not be long to be worthwhile. You have a variety of note paper and letter-writing material now, so you can compose them short to long. Even postcards carry a nice feeling of concern, but you have a number of people who deserve letters… and will respond, even quickly, if you take the initiative. Make yourself a list, put it prominently on this messy desk, and move ahead. (It wouldn’t do any harm to read a couple of Paul’s letters, particularly the beginnings and endings. These letters are, of course, an important part of Scripture, so it is a worthy tradition in which I am encouraging you).

It is time to fulfill the gift commitments, to your parents and to Matthew. These are not to be short… and are important promises you need to keep. Letters and Teachings to the women I put you with on the beach are overdue, with the one to Leslie being of most importance. I realize I often saturate you with opportunities, but I do want you to meet each one.

Do not put off doing the tape for Dorothy for too long. She is important to Me, and I can reach her best through you, at this point in her development. The tape is a form of letter, and certainly an appropriate one for a sightless person.

Then there’s Kris, who always will appreciate words of greeting and wisdom from you… and from Me. She continues to have experiences that she would not interpret as she does if I had not reached out and taken her hand, through you and these Teachings. Her progress is not constant, but she has moved along the positive path toward Me, since you saw her last in Morris. Be sure to spend some good time with her at the convention in the Fall that you anticipate.

Dale is a friend and servant of Mine who communicates more with you than you do with him, and this is not as it should be. Vow to reciprocate to each of his messages, and even take the initiative now and again. He deserves more of your attention than you are giving.

3:20 PM / 3:27 PM

Just as your teaching shall move inexorably toward the style in your summer workshop, so you need to maintain and enhance the diverse friendships you have with a diversity of letters. Include pictures, quotes, stories, even as this requires a bit more time and imagination. And remember always that this is a spiritual task that you are doing for Me just as surely as for the receiver of the letters. I shall enjoy “silent participation” in this continuing enterprise. A short prayer of dedication before writing will be quite appropriate.

SAT., JULY 14, 1984, 2:36 PM

You come on this hot afternoon for a communication from Me, the Holy Spirit. This is not the most desirable time, and you surely shall have some interruptions, but it shall be a test of your capacity to hear Me under non-ideal circumstances. As the title suggests, I shall recommend strongly that you establish a discipline of writing letters during this relatively easy summer period, for this is both a responsibility and an opportunity that I urge upon you.

The letter is a most special form of communication (I have . . .

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