
JULY 30, 1979, 5:55 AM

The word came to me before I sat down. I felt the urge, last night, to communicate again, through writing, with the Holy Spirit. As I rose that resolve was still present, and the word “Writing” came into my mind. The theme is present. What now is the message of wisdom?

(This 1st paragraph was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit takes the pen)

Write My words, o son, and hear the truth they bring. (You are penning badly today… just slow down a bit.) This morning is a special morning, and the words of it are equally special. Hear them.

Megin Lenore is among you. Her health improves as My hand is upon her. You asked, in your thoughts and prayers, why Michael and Wendy should have this experience. They are Mine. They are dedicated to Me. They serve me well. Why, then, such a near tragedy? My ways are My ways. They need not be explained. But as of old there have been challenges to faith… particularly of the faithful. One of My oldest premises is that faith must be tested. Unfortunately, tests of faith affect others. This can’t be helped. My will, finally, must be done.

Life I give, and life I take back. It is important, of course, but, finally, is not as important as My particular relationship with certain Spirits. I love all of My Creation, and creations, but with some I have special relations. (Go ahead, write it.) You are one… so is Lenore… so is Michael… and Wendy. There are others in the family. Megin has a special place. Her arrival was a challenge to faith. She was used by Me in this way. And she was willing. I shall not tell you of her life, but it is of Me… and she is one of the Special ones. (Yes, this is close to prophesy, and you balk.)

Writing is what we do together, and it is good that you return. You are aware that I am not driving you to a regular commitment such as I did. You do well not to feel guilty (about this). But I like your feelings that this is a venture that you anticipate. It remains an important link between us. As I have said to you, oh, many times, your time is unimportant to Me unless I choose to use it for My purposes. If I want you writing daily then it is important. If I want you writing, then each time is related with each other, whatever the time between.

Fear not that you will go against what I truly will. Your choices of acts are not always as I would have them be… just as a Holy preference. But that which I genuinely want from you shall be, for I shall jaggle your heart and mind… and you shall know My desire. And this you shall do.

You shall have some challenges, but most of what I have you do shall bring joy and satisfaction. You shall write and perhaps finish that last chapter. It hangs over you badly. Finish it, and get it off. As I’ve said, fret not… well, as little as possible… over the criticisms. Do it and move on.

Your presentation of the Spiritual is improving. Take the opportunities offered. Make new ones. As you see, what you do is to free learners, young and old, to bring in their “secret” spiritual understandings to the consideration of day-to-day health issues. And they become able to share with others. And the realm of the Spirit becomes more vital, more living, more relevant. This is what I purpose for you. Do it well.

The sun peeks through the leaves. Another hot day. Do important things… but in several realms. Be neither slothful nor compulsive. Feel the rhythm. Be aware. Appreciate fully. Serve Me this day. Hallelujah, you should say. Good!
